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Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat
From ACM Careers

Dna-Cutting Enzymes Could Slice Through Gene Editing Patent Spat

Who owns the biggest biotech advance of the century?

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science
From ACM News

­se of Personalized Cancer Drugs Runs Ahead of the Science

As the costs of genetic sequencing fall, oncologists are starting to prescribe expensive new drugs that target the genetic profiles of their patients' tumours,...

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?
From ACM News

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?

Private Firms Spy a Market in Spotting Space Junk
From ACM Careers

Private Firms Spy a Market in Spotting Space Junk

The US military has long taken the role of traffic cop in space: monitoring satellites, tracking debris and, in recent years, warning satellite operators and foreign...

Why Europe Isn't Creating Any Googles or Facebooks
From ACM Careers

Why Europe Isn't Creating Any Googles or Facebooks

Micha Benoliel grew up in France and launched his first technology startup there, but he never forgot the atmosphere of adventure and optimism in San Francisco,...

Age-Old question: Can Commercial Software Succeed in an Open-Source World?
From ACM Careers

Age-Old question: Can Commercial Software Succeed in an Open-Source World?

Answer: It depends on how you define success.

New Crypto Tool Makes Anonymous Surveys Truly Anonymous
From ACM Careers

New Crypto Tool Makes Anonymous Surveys Truly Anonymous

At the end of a semester teaching an undergraduate math course a few years ago, Cornell Tech researcher and crypto professor Rafael Pass asked his students to fill...

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology
From ACM News

The People Hoping to Continue to Exist Through Technology

"We have this strange idea that dying is something we need to do."

In Tiny Israel, Startups Reach For Global Success
From ACM Careers

In Tiny Israel, Startups Reach For Global Success

While banking a white Audi on Route 443 outside Jerusalem, Shalom Mines nonchalantly let go of the steering wheel and took his foot off the gas.

The Auto and Tech Worlds Are Fighting For the Best Minds in Race For Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Careers

The Auto and Tech Worlds Are Fighting For the Best Minds in Race For Self-Driving Cars

Google had all of Silicon Valley to choose from when deciding on a leader for its ambitious self-driving car division.

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones
From ACM Careers

The Oil-Rich City Betting on Drones

Over the PA system a voice tells us not to be alarmed. What we are about to see is just a demonstration, courtesy of the United Arab Emirates' Ministry of the Interior...

You Aren't Good Enough to Win Money Playing Daily Fantasy Football
From ACM Careers

You Aren't Good Enough to Win Money Playing Daily Fantasy Football

Every first-time player of daily fantasy football begins the new season undefeated, just like even the most hopeless NFL teams.

Google Won't Have Easy Ride Back Into China
From ACM Careers

Google Won't Have Easy Ride Back Into China

Google Inc CEO Sundar Pichai has made no secret that he wants to get back into China via Google Play, the app store for its Android mobile operating system.

China Flexes Tech Muscles Before a State Visit
From ACM News

China Flexes Tech Muscles Before a State Visit

As President Xi Jinping of China prepares for his first state visit to the United States this month, Washington has warned that it could hit Chinese companies with...

Putin vs. the Internet: The Laws That Matter
From ACM News

Putin vs. the Internet: The Laws That Matter

A new law in force in Russia from Sept. 1 is intended to force foreign Internet firms to maintain local servers to handle data on Russian citizens.

On the Farm: Startups Put Data in Farmers' Hands
From ACM Careers

On the Farm: Startups Put Data in Farmers' Hands

Farmers and entrepreneurs are starting to compete with agribusiness giants over the newest commodity being harvested on U.S. farms—one measured in bytes, not bushels...

European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google
From ACM News

European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google

In private sessions this summer, giant publishers and media companies from Germany, France and elsewhere have met with European officials about proposals to regulate...

Dartmouth Football's Brilliant Dummies
From ACM Careers

Dartmouth Football's Brilliant Dummies

Wearing a green Dartmouth College jersey, the newest player on the school's football team readies for action during a preseason practice.

The Government Needs to Work with Silicon Valley to Create Our Military Future
From ACM Opinion

The Government Needs to Work with Silicon Valley to Create Our Military Future

In 1931, the city fathers of Sunnyvale, California, came up with a unique plan to rescue their town from the doldrums of the Great Depression.

Connecting Your Car to Your Smartphone Can Make Auto Data Work For You
From ACM Careers

Connecting Your Car to Your Smartphone Can Make Auto Data Work For You

If your car could talk, you might be surprised by how much it has to say.
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