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Inside Google's Shadow Workforce
From ACM Careers

Inside Google's Shadow Workforce

About half of Google's workers are contractors who don't receive the same benefits as direct employees.

Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto
From ACM Careers

Who Just Beat the Bay Area in Tech Jobs? Toronto

Toronto's tech scene is so hot the city created more jobs than the San Francisco Bay area, Seattle and Washington, D.C., combined last year, while leapfrogging...

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots
From ACM Careers

Big Tech is Throwing Money and Talent at Home Robots

Science fiction writers and technologists have been predicting the arrival of robot butlers for the better part of a century. So far domestic robots have been relatively...

Visualizing the Best and Worst Paid Jobs in the Tech Sector
From ACM Careers

Visualizing the Best and Worst Paid Jobs in the Tech Sector

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data shows plenty of high-paying technology jobs, as well as lower-end jobs that pay above average compared to the rest of the economy...

China's AI Industry Gets the Most Funding, But Lags the ­.S. in Key Talent
From ACM Careers

China's AI Industry Gets the Most Funding, But Lags the ­.S. in Key Talent

China's artificial intelligence industry has attracted more funding than any other country's, but lags behind the U.S. in terms of high-level AI talent, having...

Health Insurers Are Vacuuming ­p Details About You, And It Could Raise Your Rates
From ACM Careers

Health Insurers Are Vacuuming ­p Details About You, And It Could Raise Your Rates

To an outsider, the fancy booths at last month's health insurance industry gathering in San Diego aren't very compelling.

How Much All-Seeing AI Surveillance Is Too Much?
From ACM Careers

How Much All-Seeing AI Surveillance Is Too Much?

When a CIA-backed venture capital fund took an interest in Rana el Kaliouby's face-scanning technology for detecting emotions, the computer scientist and her colleagues...

Why Robots Helped Donald Trump Win
From ACM Careers

Why Robots Helped Donald Trump Win

Ronald Shrewsbery II used to be the Robot Doctor. Now he's known by the more bureaucratic-sounding title "WCM (World Class Manufacturing) Electrical Technical Specialist...

China's Penetration of Silicon Valley Creates Risks for Startups
From ACM Careers

China's Penetration of Silicon Valley Creates Risks for Startups

Robots or Job Training: Manufacturers Grapple With How to Improve Their Economic Fortunes
From ACM Careers

Robots or Job Training: Manufacturers Grapple With How to Improve Their Economic Fortunes

For Anthony Nighswander, rock-bottom unemployment is both a headache and an opportunity. For businesses and workers, it could be the key to reversing one of the...

35 Innovators ­nder 35 2018
From ACM Careers

35 Innovators ­nder 35 2018

We've been presenting our list of innovators under 35 for 18 years, long enough to spot some trends.

Adobe Is Using AI to Catch Photoshopped Images
From ACM News

Adobe Is Using AI to Catch Photoshopped Images

While picture editors have tweaked images for decades, modern tools like Adobe Photoshop let them alter photos to the point of complete fabrication.

Why Academics Cannot Be Reduced to Summary Statistics
From ACM Careers

Why Academics Cannot Be Reduced to Summary Statistics

The primary means by which universities measure research impact and teaching excellence rely heavily on flawed metrics. And they are particularly flawed if you...

57% of Tech Workers Are Suffering From Job Burnout
From ACM Careers

57% of Tech Workers Are Suffering From Job Burnout

A survey of tech workers, including many at Silicon Valley's elite tech companies, reveals that over 57% of respondents are suffering from job burnout.

Furor on Claim Women's Choices Create Gender Gap in Comp Sci
From ACM Careers

Furor on Claim Women's Choices Create Gender Gap in Comp Sci

Lecturer at University of Washington says he's standing up to political correctness. Many challenge his facts.

Program Builds a STEM Career Pathway for Tribal Students in North Dakota
From ACM Careers

Program Builds a STEM Career Pathway for Tribal Students in North Dakota

Each summer the tribal college campuses and public universities of North Dakota open their doors to tribal students, instructors, and faculty for a series of collaborative...

In Tech, Patents Are Trophies, and These Companies Are Dominating 
From ACM Careers

In Tech, Patents Are Trophies, and These Companies Are Dominating 

Dan Zhang just had his career bar mitzvah.

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject
From ACM News

If You're A Facebook ­ser, You're Also a Research Subject

The professor was incredulous.

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles
From ACM Careers

Car Insurers Warn on 'Autonomous' Vehicles

The motor insurance industry is warning carmakers against the use of the word "autonomous" in their marketing.

Two Critical ­.S. Dams at High Risk From Insider Cyber Threats
From ACM Careers

Two Critical ­.S. Dams at High Risk From Insider Cyber Threats

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, a part of the Interior Department, operates more than 600 of the some 100,000 dams in the United States, five of which are considered...
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