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Japan Seeks Its Economic Mojo in the Stuff That Makes the Stuff
From ACM Careers

Japan Seeks Its Economic Mojo in the Stuff That Makes the Stuff

There is absolutely nothing sexy about bellows. But they just might be the future of Japan.

Microsoft Charts Its Own Path on Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

Microsoft Charts Its Own Path on Artificial Intelligence

Time wasa software companies left inventing new hardware to others.

Facebook Adds A.I. Labs in Seattle and Pittsburgh, Pressuring Local ­niversities
From ACM News

Facebook Adds A.I. Labs in Seattle and Pittsburgh, Pressuring Local ­niversities

At a conference in Silicon Valley this week, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's chief executive, vowed that his company would "keep building" despite a swirl of questions...

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other
From ACM News

The 15 People Who Keep Wikipedia's Editors From Killing Each Other

Wikipedia editors got locked in a dispute several months ago about the biographical summary boxes that sit atop some pages of the online encyclopedia. The tiff...

What the Life and Death of Cambridge Analytica Tells ­s about Politics, and Ourselves
From ACM Careers

What the Life and Death of Cambridge Analytica Tells ­s about Politics, and Ourselves

The demise of Cambridge Analytica this week may bring a fleeting sense of relief to those worried about personal data being used to shape how they vote, or even...

Biology Will Be the Next Great Computing Platform
From ACM Careers

Biology Will Be the Next Great Computing Platform

In some ways, Synthego looks like any other Silicon Valley startup.

This Indian Techie Is Fighting Sexism in Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

This Indian Techie Is Fighting Sexism in Artificial Intelligence

Frustrated by the reinforcement of sexist ideas by subservient bots with female personas, Kriti Sharma has created a gender-neutral personal finance assistant. ...

Who's Firing? (Qualcomm, GoPro, and IBM, Again) Who's Hiring? (Facebook, Apple, Amazon)
From ACM Careers

Who's Firing? (Qualcomm, GoPro, and IBM, Again) Who's Hiring? (Facebook, Apple, Amazon)

In what has practically turned into an annual sign of spring, IBM rained layoff notices down on its tech workforce in late March and again in April.

A New Startup Wants to ­se Crispr to Diagnose Disease
From ACM Careers

A New Startup Wants to ­se Crispr to Diagnose Disease

In 2011, biologists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier published a landmark paper introducing the world to Crispr. The arcane family of bacterial proteins...

Who Controls Your Data?
From ACM News

Who Controls Your Data?

The EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will change how companies and individuals collect, store and share data.

When John Doerr Brought a 'Gift' to Google's Founders
From ACM Opinion

When John Doerr Brought a 'Gift' to Google's Founders

On a fall day in 1999, in the heart of Silicon Valley, I arrived at a two-story, L-shaped structure off the 101 freeway. It was young Google's headquarters, and...

Chips Down: China Aims to Boost Semiconductors as Trade War Looms
From ACM Careers

Chips Down: China Aims to Boost Semiconductors as Trade War Looms

Now, as a trade war with the United States looms, a government decision to accelerate the development of the domestic chip industry underlines how far those goals...

Chinese Tech Companies Post Men-Only Job Listings, Report Finds
From ACM Careers

Chinese Tech Companies Post Men-Only Job Listings, Report Finds

Major Chinese tech companies discriminate against women in their online job listings, according to a new report. Some job postings directly state they are for men...

Silicon Valley's Latest Revolution: Cutting Out Wall Street
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley's Latest Revolution: Cutting Out Wall Street

When Snap went public last year, it sold 200 million shares; none of them carried any voting rights. When Spotify went public earlier this month, it raised no money...

How to Calculate Pricing and Resources for Cloud Computing
From ACM Careers

How to Calculate Pricing and Resources for Cloud Computing

Researchers in the University at Buffalo School of Management have developed an algorithm that cloud computing service providers can use to establish pricing and...

Soaring Salaries in AI Research
From ACM Careers

Soaring Salaries in AI Research

Salaries for top artificial intelligence researchers have skyrocketed because there are not many people who understand the technology and thousands of companies...

Staff Changes Upend White House Cyber Team
From ACM Careers

Staff Changes Upend White House Cyber Team

The White House cybersecurity team is undergoing a major shuffle that former officials say could jeopardize the administration's efforts to develop cyber policy...

­CSD Study: Anyone Can Be an Innovator
From ACM Careers

­CSD Study: Anyone Can Be an Innovator

Innovators aren't born, they can be made, according to research from the University of California, San Diego.

Robots Ride to the Rescue Where Workers Can't Be Found
From ACM News

Robots Ride to the Rescue Where Workers Can't Be Found

When Zbynek Frolik needed new employees to handle surging orders at his cavernous factories in central Bohemia, he fanned advertisements across the Czech Republic...

U.S. Top Court Rules that Microsoft Email Privacy Dispute Is Moot
From ACM Careers

U.S. Top Court Rules that Microsoft Email Privacy Dispute Is Moot

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday dismissed Microsoft Corp's (MSFT.O) privacy fight with the Justice Department over whether prosecutors can force technology companies...
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