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Taming Data
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Taming Data

An international team of computer scientists has developed Data Civilizer, a system that automatically finds connections among many different data tables and allows...

In 2017, China Is Doubling Down on AI
From ACM News

In 2017, China Is Doubling Down on AI

This year, China looks set to make larger waves than ever in artificial intelligence and augmented reality.

What If the State Provided Everyone with a Basic Income?
From ACM Careers

What If the State Provided Everyone with a Basic Income?

This month Finland is embarking on a radical economic experiment. Its government is giving 2,000 people free money for two years, guaranteeing them a minimum income...

This Team Runs Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Page
From ACM Careers

This Team Runs Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook Page

Sharing Battlefield Info via Mobile Handheld Devices
From ACM Careers

Sharing Battlefield Info via Mobile Handheld Devices

DARPA will leverage new software and networking technology to vastly simplify secure data sharing among U.S. and coalition troops across mobile tactical networks...

Flexible Ferroelectrics Bring Two Material Worlds Together
From ACM Careers

Flexible Ferroelectrics Bring Two Material Worlds Together

Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory and Northwestern University have pioneered a new class of materials with advanced functionalities that moves the idea...

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S
From ACM News

A Darker Theme in Obama's Farewell: Automation Can Divide ­S

Underneath the nostalgia and hope in President Obama's farewell address Tuesday night was a darker theme: the struggle to help the people on the losing end of technological...

­sing Smartphones For Smarter Social Science
From ACM Careers

­sing Smartphones For Smarter Social Science

On Jan. 9, 2007, 10 years ago Monday, Steve Jobs formally announced Apple's "revolutionary mobile phone"—a device that combined the functionality of an iPod, phone...

Quantum Computing Is Real, and D-Wave Just Open-Sourced It
From ACM Careers

Quantum Computing Is Real, and D-Wave Just Open-Sourced It

Quantum computing is real. But it's also hard.

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It
From ACM News

Robots Will Destroy Our Jobs, and We're Not Ready For It

The McDonald's on the corner of Third Avenue and 58th Street in New York City doesn/t look all that different from any of the fast-food chain's other locations...

Facebook, Nodding to Its Role in Media, Starts a Journalism Project
From ACM Careers

Facebook, Nodding to Its Role in Media, Starts a Journalism Project

Facebook is increasingly owning up to its role as one of the world’s largest distributors of information by taking more responsibility for the millions of stories...

At Ces 2017, You Have to Ask: What Makes a Robot a Robot?
From ACM Opinion

At Ces 2017, You Have to Ask: What Makes a Robot a Robot?

Tall, small, dancing, singing, cleaning, sassy, silly, cute and scary—CES 2017 was awash with robots.

Split-Second Data Mapping
From ACM Careers

Split-Second Data Mapping

Running on GPUs instead of CPUs, the MapD database-analytics platform queries and maps billions of data points in milliseconds.

Thanks to Ai, Computers Can Now See Your Health Problems
From ACM Careers

Thanks to Ai, Computers Can Now See Your Health Problems

Patient number two was born to first-time parents, late 20s, white. The pregnancy was normal and the birth uncomplicated.

Medicaid's Data Gets an Internet-Era Makeover
From ACM Careers

Medicaid's Data Gets an Internet-Era Makeover

Jini Kim's relationship with Medicaid is business and personal.

Lining ­p For New High-Density Memory Devices
From ACM Careers

Lining ­p For New High-Density Memory Devices

Scientists grew a vertically aligned nanocomposites lattice on with layers that exhibited strong, perpendicular (vertical) magnetic coupling, which could lead to...

Mining 24 Hours a Day with Robots
From ACM Careers

Mining 24 Hours a Day with Robots

Each of these trucks is the size of a small two-story house. None has a driver or anyone else on board.

What's Your 'public Credit Score'? The Shanghai Government Can Tell You
From ACM Careers

What's Your 'public Credit Score'? The Shanghai Government Can Tell You

The Shanghai city government thinks it can make citizens more honest through a smartphone app.

The Man Selling Virtual Reality to China
From ACM Careers

The Man Selling Virtual Reality to China

One afternoon in December, Kevin Geiger was giving one of his regular talks about storytelling in virtual reality.

Apple Removes New York Times App in China 
From ACM News

Apple Removes New York Times App in China 

Apple has removed the New York Times app from its store in China after a government request, in an example of how far the company will go to please the authorities...
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