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Big Debate About Shakespeare Finally Settled By Big Data
From ACM Careers

Big Debate About Shakespeare Finally Settled By Big Data

For the first time and with a bit of help from computers and big data, the Oxford University Press will add Christopher Marlowe as a co-author in all three "Henry...

Why It Was So Easy to Hack the Cameras that Took Down the Web
From ACM Careers

Why It Was So Easy to Hack the Cameras that Took Down the Web

If you were anywhere near the internet in the US on Friday, you probably noticed a bunch of your favorite websites were down for much of the day. Now experts are...

Silicon Valley Decides It's Just Too Hard to Build a Car
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Decides It's Just Too Hard to Build a Car

Bill Ford is tired of hearing the future of cars belongs to Silicon Valley.

Mark Zuckerberg's Long March to China
From ACM Opinion

Mark Zuckerberg's Long March to China

For U.S. Internet businesses, China is the land of moral defeat.

Telecom's Next Battle Will Take Place in the Web's Slow Lane
From ACM Careers

Telecom's Next Battle Will Take Place in the Web's Slow Lane

After decades spent developing ever-faster networks that can do everything from stream Beyonce videos to steer driverless cars, the telecom industry has found a...

​AI Expert: Super-Smart Cars Are Just a Glorious Beginning
From ACM Careers

​AI Expert: Super-Smart Cars Are Just a Glorious Beginning

Prepare for your car to become an intellectual giant—and for you to like it.

The Power of Prediction Markets
From ACM News

The Power of Prediction Markets

It was a great way to mix science with gambling, says Anna Dreber.

Blockchain Platform Developed By Banks to Be Open-Source
From ACM Careers

Blockchain Platform Developed By Banks to Be Open-Source

A blockchain platform developed by a group that includes more than 70 of the world's biggest financial institutions is making its code publicly available, in what...

Cancer's Big Data Problem
From ACM Careers

Cancer's Big Data Problem

Cancer researchers don't have tools to efficiently process the mountain of available genetic data to make more precise predictions for therapy. The U.S. Department...

Why Isn't the U.s. Better at Predicting Extreme Weather?
From ACM Careers

Why Isn't the U.s. Better at Predicting Extreme Weather?

At 11 o'clock on the night of Sept. 29, the National Hurricane Center in Miami posted an updated prediction for Hurricane Matthew.

CIA Prepping For Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia
From ACM News

CIA Prepping For Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia

The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential...

Leo Beranek, Acoustics Designer and Internet Pioneer, Dies at 102
From ACM Careers

Leo Beranek, Acoustics Designer and Internet Pioneer, Dies at 102

Leo L. Beranek, an engineer whose company designed the acoustics for the United Nations and concert halls at Lincoln Center and Tanglewood, then built the direct...

Apple Gets Its First Director of AI
From ACM Careers

Apple Gets Its First Director of AI

Apple is hiring a rising star in the world of deep learning to serve as its first director of AI research. Ruslan Salakhutdinov, an associate professor at Carnegie...

A Sense of Scale: The Best Microscopy of 2016
From ACM News

A Sense of Scale: The Best Microscopy of 2016

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born while Galileo was still alive, and he ended up developing a similar skill in lens making to that of Galileo.

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number
From ACM Opinion

Maths Becomes Biology's Magic Number

"If you want a career in medicine these days you're better off studying mathematics or computing than biology."

Stepping ­p Security For an Internet-of-Things World
From ACM News

Stepping ­p Security For an Internet-of-Things World

The vision of the so-called internet of things—giving all sorts of physical things a digital makeover—has been years ahead of reality. But that gap is closing fast...

British Banks Keep Cyber Attacks Under Wraps to Protect Image
From ACM Careers

British Banks Keep Cyber Attacks Under Wraps to Protect Image

Britain's banks are not reporting the full extent of cyber attacks to regulators for fear of punishment or bad publicity, bank executives and providers of security...

China Has Now Eclipsed US in AI Research
From ACM News

China Has Now Eclipsed US in AI Research

Humanity may still be years if not decades away from producing sentient artificial intelligence.

Penn State, Rutgers Win Grant to Create Virtual Data Collaboratory
From ACM Careers

Penn State, Rutgers Win Grant to Create Virtual Data Collaboratory

Penn State has received a grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to fund an interdisciplinary team of researchers from Penn State, Rutgers, and other institutions...

Ad Algorithms Might Choose You to Be a Paid Product Promoter
From ACM Careers

Ad Algorithms Might Choose You to Be a Paid Product Promoter

That's the sound of Ryan Detert's invite-only mobile app, Influential, trying to get the attention of one of his select group of users.
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