From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
The vast majority of Americans expect artificial intelligence to lead to job losses in the coming decade, but few see it coming for their own position.
The New York Times From ACM Careers | March 7, 2018
Mary Shelley was 20 when she published "Frankenstein" in 1818. Two hundred years on, the book remains thrilling, challenging and relevant—especially for scientists...The Conversation From ACM Opinion | March 6, 2018
A hackathon organized by student groups at the University of Chicago helped introduce middle-school girls to app design and tech careers, and challenged more seasoned...niversity of Chicago From ACM Careers | March 6, 2018
The University of Texas at Austin is offering a new computer science course this semester which introduces first-year students to ethical dilemmas and helps From ACM Careers | March 6, 2018
The Student ACM chapter at the University of Oklahoma will host Hacklahoma, a 24-hour hackathon that a co-founder describes as an "invention marathon."
The Oklahoma Daily From ACM Careers | March 2, 2018
AI will create more jobs than it destroys was the not-so-subtle rebuttal from tech giants to growing concern over the impact of automation technologies on employment...TechCrunch From ACM Careers | March 2, 2018
Computer science is growing in popularity among young women, according to HackerRank's 2018 Women in Tech Report. Java, JavaScript, C, C++, and Python top the list...TechRepublic From ACM Careers | March 2, 2018
In December, Bloomberg reported that desperate demand for software engineers who know how to build artificial intelligence systems turned a previously low-key academic...IEEE Spectrum From ACM Careers | March 1, 2018
Some researchers want to modernize the peer review process to make it more fitting for a world that now lives online.
NPR From ACM Careers | February 28, 2018
While automation is requiring workers to maintain technical fluency, the top priority for developing talent is to train for soft skills, according to LinkedIn's 2018...Fast Company From ACM Careers | February 28, 2018
I took an Uber to an artificial-intelligence conference at MIT one recent morning, and the driver asked me how long it would take for autonomous vehicles to take...Technology Review From ACM Opinion | February 26, 2018
Cybercrime is expanding beyond computers and cellphones. Cars, washers and dryers, and even toasters are going online—an evolution of technology called the ...NPR From ACM Opinion | February 23, 2018
Researchers at the University of Missouri and Leeds Beckett University found as societies become wealthier and more gender-equal, women are less likely to obtain...niversity of Missouri From ACM TechNews | February 21, 2018
A collection of scholarly articles examines gender roles and inequity and the impact of unintentional and purposeful efforts to undermine women's equality in the...Missouri niversity of Science and Technology From ACM Careers | February 22, 2018
If you want to understand the priorities of a technology company, first look at the seating chart.
The New York Times From ACM Careers | February 22, 2018
Replication is essential for building confidence in research studies, yet it is still the exception rather than the rule.
Nature From ACM Opinion | February 21, 2018
Mattel said it will introduce 10 million kids to coding by 2020 through an expanded partnership with Tynker.
Mattel Inc. From ACM Careers | February 21, 2018
They may not have the cachet of entrepreneurs, or geek chic of developers, but data protection officers are suddenly the hottest properties in technology.
Reuters From ACM Careers | February 20, 2018
New developers are having trouble getting their first job. These days it's rare to find even a job posting for a junior developer position. Why? Companies say can't...Medium From ACM Careers | February 20, 2018