From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
As technology advances, there's a delicate balance between individual privacy and law enforcement’s requests for information.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | February 24, 2016
Wang Feng is the kind of successful tech entrepreneur whom private wealth bankers from Goldman Sachs to Credit Suisse would love to land as a client.Bloomberg Markets From ACM Careers | February 24, 2016
The mood in the markets may be getting grimmer, but in the booming world of exchange-traded funds, people just want to party.The New York Times From ACM Careers | February 23, 2016
"Are you sure they're there?" the decision maker asks. "They" are Qaeda operatives who have been planning attacks against the United States.The New York Times From ACM Opinion | February 22, 2016
Tech companies have spent years developing better, cheaper devices to immerse people in digital worlds. Yet they are still figuring out how to make virtual reality...The New York Times From ACM Careers | February 19, 2016
HoloLens creator Alex Kipman has shown off Microsoft's augmented reality technology at the TED (Technology, Entertainment and Design) conference.BBC News From ACM News | February 19, 2016
The U.S. Department of Energy's High Performance Computing for Manufacturing (HPC4Mfg) Program pairs selected companies with U.S. national labs to take on manufacturing...Oak Ridge National Laboratory From ACM Careers | February 18, 2016
It's taken more than a decade, but a critical oversight board tasked with advising the president on the privacy and civil liberties implications of the NSA's surveillance...Wired From ACM Opinion | February 17, 2016
Peter Hogan was surprised at how heavy the sextant felt in his hand when he squinted through its eyeglass this week, the first time he had ever held one.The Washington Post From ACM Careers | February 17, 2016
The United States Military Academy at West Point took home the top prize earlier this month in Pittsburgh at CyberStakes, the Pentagon's third annual top tier hacking...The Daily Dot From ACM Careers | February 17, 2016
The first direct detection of gravitational waves has opened a new window in physics and astronomy—rewarding a cohort of young researchers who gambled on finding...Nature From ACM Careers | February 16, 2016
Machines could put more than half the world's population out of a job in the next 30 years, according to a computer scientist who said on Saturday that artificial...The Guardian From ACM News | February 16, 2016
A giant database on the health risks of nearly 10,000 chemicals will make it easier to predict the toxicity of tens of thousands of consumer products for which...Nature From ACM Careers | February 12, 2016
When historians come to write about technological innovation in the first half of this century, they are likely to pay special attention to a US Navy drone called...Financial Times From ACM News | February 10, 2016
The rain began to fall as Joe Giaime and I scrambled down a lonely rise, back toward the observatory's main building.Ars Technica From ACM Careers | February 9, 2016
Twenty-five years ago U.S.-led Coalition forces launched the world’s first "space war" when they drove Iraqi troops out of Kuwait.Scientific American From ACM News | February 8, 2016
Smartphones and other mobile devices are set to flood the Internet with data in coming years.The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | February 8, 2016