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SynTouch Is Giving Robots the Ability to Feel Textures Like Humans Do
From ACM Careers

SynTouch Is Giving Robots the Ability to Feel Textures Like Humans Do

There's just nothing like holding a new product in your hands.

Grandfather of Vr: The Virtual Can Show the Beauty of the Real
From ACM Opinion

Grandfather of Vr: The Virtual Can Show the Beauty of the Real

Thomas Furness is known as the pioneer who stood at the inception of what we know today as virtual reality.

China's Internet Forum May Provide a Peek at Its Cyber-Ambitions
From ACM News

China's Internet Forum May Provide a Peek at Its Cyber-Ambitions

Heads of state, including the prime ministers of Pakistan and Russia, and major technology firms will gather Wednesday in Wuzhen, a picturesque little town of canals...

Hands-On With Microsoft's Hololens, One Year Later
From ACM Careers

Hands-On With Microsoft's Hololens, One Year Later

One year after showing off HoloLens, Microsoft's augmented reality rig remains very much a work in progress.

Spinoff 2016 Highlights Space Technologies Used in Daily Life on Earth
From ACM Careers

Spinoff 2016 Highlights Space Technologies Used in Daily Life on Earth

NASA technology is all around us, turning trash into oil, saving women from a deadly complication of childbirth, and putting the bubbles in beer.

Inside the 2016 Black Market for Donor Emails
From ACM Careers

Inside the 2016 Black Market for Donor Emails

Scott Walker has begun selling access to his email list to pay off his leftover presidential debt, renting out the email addresses of hundreds of thousands of supporters...

In Virtual Reality, Exercise Bike Becomes a Race Car
From ACM Careers

In Virtual Reality, Exercise Bike Becomes a Race Car

A new stationary bike from Boston startup VirZoom requires an unusual accessory while you’re pedaling: a virtual-reality headset, so you can turn your workout into...

How Artificial Intelligence Could Change the Way We Watch Sports
From ACM Careers

How Artificial Intelligence Could Change the Way We Watch Sports

Computers have already been trained how to write up quick summaries of sporting events after studying the box score, putting the jobs of sports journalists at risk...

Artificial-Intelligence Research Center Is Founded By Silicon Valley Investors
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Research Center Is Founded By Silicon Valley Investors

A group of prominent Silicon Valley investors and technology companies said on Friday that they would establish an artificial-intelligence research center to develop...

Singaporean Students Create Device to Help Fight Parkinson's Symptoms
From ACM Careers

Singaporean Students Create Device to Help Fight Parkinson's Symptoms

One dangerous aspect of Parkinson's Disease is the impeded ability to walk, which causes people to fall and injure themselves.

Backslash: Anti-Surveillance Gadgets For Protesters
From ACM Careers

Backslash: Anti-Surveillance Gadgets For Protesters

When riot police descended on protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, last year sporting assault rifles and armored vehicles, the images sparked an awareness of the military...

Silicon Valley Is in a War Over Artificial Intelligence and Facebook Just Made Its Boldest Move Yet
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Is in a War Over Artificial Intelligence and Facebook Just Made Its Boldest Move Yet

In the war over deep learning that's currently taking place in Silicon Valley, Facebook just dropped a bomb.

Why Yahoo Faded: The Internet Changed, But It Didn't
From ACM Opinion

Why Yahoo Faded: The Internet Changed, But It Didn't

Yahoo and I go way back.

Terrorists Mock Bids to End ­se of Social Media
From ACM Careers

Terrorists Mock Bids to End ­se of Social Media

In the hours after 14 people were killed in San Bernardino, Calif., a familiar voice celebrated the attacks on Twitter: "California, we have already arrived with...

The Football Mouthguards of Tomorrow Will Detect Dehydration and Head Injuries
From ACM Careers

The Football Mouthguards of Tomorrow Will Detect Dehydration and Head Injuries

The humble mouthguard—that C-shaped piece of plastic that protects an athlete's teeth—has remained relatively unchanged for the past 60 years.

Ftc Appoints an Online Privacy Advocate
From ACM Careers

Ftc Appoints an Online Privacy Advocate

The Federal Trade Commission has appointed a leading Internet privacy and security expert as its new chief technologist, amid a growing concern for consumer protections...

China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots
From ACM News

China Wants to Replace Millions of Workers with Robots

China is laying the groundwork for a robot revolution by planning to automate the work currently done by millions of low-paid workers.

Obama Appeals to Silicon Valley For Help with Online Anti-Extremist Campaign
From ACM Careers

Obama Appeals to Silicon Valley For Help with Online Anti-Extremist Campaign

President Barack Obama on Sunday called on Silicon Valley to help address the threat of militant groups using social media and electronic communications to plan...

The High-Stakes Race to Rid the World of Human Drivers
From ACM News

The High-Stakes Race to Rid the World of Human Drivers

The race to bring driverless cars to the masses is only just beginning, but already it is a fight for the ages.

New Law Paves the Way for Asteroid Mining—But Will It Work?
From ACM Careers

New Law Paves the Way for Asteroid Mining—But Will It Work?

Mining asteroids may sound like a concept ripped from science fiction, but a new law is aiming to make it a reality.
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