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One-Time Allies Sour on Joining Trump's Tech Team
From ACM Careers

One-Time Allies Sour on Joining Trump's Tech Team

Prsident Trump's victory caught Garrett Johnson—and the rest of humanity—by surprise.

In Silicon Valley, the Right Sounds a Surprising Battle Cry: Regulate Tech Giants
From ACM Careers

In Silicon Valley, the Right Sounds a Surprising Battle Cry: Regulate Tech Giants

A year ago, Andrew Torba would have balked at the idea of regulating the Internet.

The Myth of the Skills Gap
From ACM Opinion

The Myth of the Skills Gap

The contention that America's workers lack the skills employers demand is an article of faith among analysts, politicians, and pundits of every stripe, from conservative...

Drones Relay Rfid Signals For Inventory Control
From ACM Careers

Drones Relay Rfid Signals For Inventory Control

MIT researchers have developed a system that enables small aerial drones to read RFID tags from tens of meters away, potentially saving retailers billions lost...

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings
From ACM News

With the Uss mccain Collision, Even Navy Tech Can't Overcome Human Shortcomings

In the darkness of early morning on August 21, the guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain collided with a tanker in the Strait of Malacca off Singapore.

Wanted: Weaponized Exploits that Hack Phones. Will Pay Top Dollar
From ACM Careers

Wanted: Weaponized Exploits that Hack Phones. Will Pay Top Dollar

In a sign of the soaring demand for zeroday attacks that target software that's becoming increasingly secure, a market-leading broker is offering serious cash for...

Inside Waymo's Secret World For Training Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Careers

Inside Waymo's Secret World For Training Self-Driving Cars

In a corner of Alphabet's campus, there is a team working on a piece of software that may be the key to self-driving cars.

The Tech Industry Is Hiring Israeli Engineers as Fast as the Army Can Produce Them
From ACM Careers

The Tech Industry Is Hiring Israeli Engineers as Fast as the Army Can Produce Them

United Airlines started a three-flights-per-week service from San Francisco to Tel Aviv last year.

The Enduring Legacy of Zork
From ACM Opinion

The Enduring Legacy of Zork

In 1977, four recent MIT graduates who'd met at MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science used the lab's PDP-10 mainframe to develop a computer game that captivated...

Women Make ­p Just 29% of All Israeli Computer Science Students
From ACM Careers

Women Make ­p Just 29% of All Israeli Computer Science Students

Although women account for 58% of all students pursing a bachelor's degree at Israel's universities and colleges, the rate among students of computer science was...

End of the Checkout Line: The Looming Crisis For American Cashiers
From ACM Careers

End of the Checkout Line: The Looming Crisis For American Cashiers

The day before a fully automated grocery store opened its doors in 1939, the inventor Clarence Saunders took out a full page advertisement in the Memphis Press-Scimitar...

The World's Biggest Tech Companies Are No Longer Just American
From ACM Careers

The World's Biggest Tech Companies Are No Longer Just American

The technology world's $400 billion-and-up club—long a group of exclusively American names like Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon—needs to make room...

The Problem With Tech Diversity Reports
From ACM Careers

The Problem With Tech Diversity Reports

Tech companies have gotten in the practice of releasing diversity reports, but are those reports aren't transparent enough.

Everyone Thinks That Automation Will Take Our Jobs. The Evidence Disagrees
From ACM Opinion

Everyone Thinks That Automation Will Take Our Jobs. The Evidence Disagrees

Last year, the Japanese company SoftBank opened a cell phone store in Tokyo and staffed it entirely with sales associates named Pepper. This wasn't as hard as it...

Reverence For Robots: Japanese Workers Treasure Automation
From ACM Careers

Reverence For Robots: Japanese Workers Treasure Automation

Thousands upon thousands of cans are filled with beer, capped and washed, wrapped into six-packs, and boxed at dizzying speeds—1,500 a minute, to be exact—on humming...

Colleges Have Increased Women Computer Science Majors: What Can Google Learn?
From ACM Careers

Colleges Have Increased Women Computer Science Majors: What Can Google Learn?

A Google engineer who got fired over a controversial memo that criticized the company's diversity policies said that there might be biological reasons there are...

How This U.s. Tech Giant Is Backing China's Tech Ambitions
From ACM Careers

How This U.s. Tech Giant Is Backing China's Tech Ambitions

As the Chinese government develops drones, the American technology giant Qualcomm is helping.

Inside Sony's Search For the Next Walkman
From ACM Careers

Inside Sony's Search For the Next Walkman

Sony Corp., which is emerging from five years of brutal restructuring that gutted its workforce and product lineup, wants to show off a few new things.

Apple Defends Complying with China Over Vpns
From ACM Careers

Apple Defends Complying with China Over Vpns

Virtual Private Networks are often used to skirt censorship and surveillance in countries with tight restrictions on internet use.

As Washington Tries to Protect Tech, China Could Fight Back
From ACM Careers

As Washington Tries to Protect Tech, China Could Fight Back

As the Trump administration moves to take on China over intellectual property, Washington will find it has limited firepower.
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