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It Job Interviews: 11 Ways to Stand Out to Cios
From ACM Careers

It Job Interviews: 11 Ways to Stand Out to Cios

IT and business leaders describe the characteristics they hold above the rest when it comes to hiring IT talent.

Earth-Observing Companies Push For More-Advanced Science Satellites
From ACM Careers

Earth-Observing Companies Push For More-Advanced Science Satellites

Never have so many private eyes looked down at Earth.

Google Cozies ­p to China With AI Secrets and a Game of Go
From ACM Careers

Google Cozies ­p to China With AI Secrets and a Game of Go

Google's latest effort to thaw relations with China involves an artificial intelligence pow-wow—and a few games of Go.

Can the American Heartland Remake Itself in the Image of Silicon Valley? One Startup Finds Out
From ACM Careers

Can the American Heartland Remake Itself in the Image of Silicon Valley? One Startup Finds Out

Ross Diedrich had gone pale and raw-boned. The CEO of a year-old startup in Denver, he'd stay at his office until the middle of the night, go home and sleep for...

Tech-Savvy Workers Increasingly Common in Non-It Roles
From ACM Careers

Tech-Savvy Workers Increasingly Common in Non-It Roles

IT professionals are becoming an increasingly common presence outside of the traditional IT departments, new research has found.

The Working Dead: It Jobs Bound For Extinction
From ACM Careers

The Working Dead: It Jobs Bound For Extinction

Rapid shifts in technologies — and evolving business needs — make career reinvention a matter of survival in the IT industry.

Companies ­se Kidnap Insurance to Guard Against Ransomware Attacks
From ACM Careers

Companies ­se Kidnap Insurance to Guard Against Ransomware Attacks

Companies without cyber insurance are dusting off policies covering kidnap, ransom and extortion in the world's political hotspots to recoup losses caused by ransomware...

A Quarter of It Pros Find Their Job Very Stressful
From ACM Careers

A Quarter of It Pros Find Their Job Very Stressful

A new report from Spiceworks describes what an average IT pro looks like, and uncovers some troubling issues.

Why Google's Ceo Is Excited About Automating Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

Why Google's Ceo Is Excited About Automating Artificial Intelligence

Machine-learning experts are in short supply as companies in many industries rush to take advantage of recent strides in the power of artificial intelligence.

Biology Needs More Staff Scientists
From ACM Careers

Biology Needs More Staff Scientists

Most research institutions are essentially collections of independent laboratories, each run by principal investigators who head a team of trainees.

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future
From ACM Opinion

Google, Not the Government, Is Building the Future

One persistent criticism of Silicon Valley is that it no longer works on big, world-changing ideas.

Europe's Latest Billion-Dollar Startup Wants to Build the Matrix. Really.
From ACM Careers

Europe's Latest Billion-Dollar Startup Wants to Build the Matrix. Really.

A London-based software startup called Improbable is living up to its name.

A Robot Revolution, This Time in China
From ACM News

A Robot Revolution, This Time in China

Even a decade ago, car manufacturing in China was still a fairly low-tech, labor-intensive endeavor.

Microsoft's Bid to Bring AI to Every Developer Is Starting to Make Sense
From ACM Careers

Microsoft's Bid to Bring AI to Every Developer Is Starting to Make Sense

For the third year in a row, Microsoft is heavily promoting machine-learning services at its Build developer conference.

Battle to Provide Chips For the AI Boom Heats ­p
From ACM Careers

Battle to Provide Chips For the AI Boom Heats ­p

Jensen Huang beamed out over a packed conference hall in San Jose, California, on Wednesday as he announced his company's new chip aimed at accelerating artificial...

The Dark Side of Helping Coworkers
From ACM Careers

The Dark Side of Helping Coworkers

New research suggests helping coworkers in the morning can lead to mental exhaustion and self-serving behavior in the afternoon that ultimately can create a toxic...

Envy Pushes Job Seekers to Fake Their Résumés
From ACM Careers

Envy Pushes Job Seekers to Fake Their Résumés

Job seekers who stay in the search longer or see their peers getting hired may falsify their résumés, according to a study from the University at Buffalo School...

Google and Facebook's Idealistic Futures Are Built on Ads
From ACM Opinion

Google and Facebook's Idealistic Futures Are Built on Ads

In 2011 a young computer scientist named Jeff Hammerbacher said something profound while explaining why he'd decided to leave Facebook—and the promise of a small...

How to Survive the Digital Age? Transform the Corporation
From ACM Careers

How to Survive the Digital Age? Transform the Corporation

The convergence of machine learning, mobile connectivity, the Internet of Things, heightened computing power, and other technologies will produce a data tsunami...

Software Startups Aim to Automate Bio Labs
From ACM Careers

Software Startups Aim to Automate Bio Labs

Earlier this month, major tech consulting company Cambridge Consultants announced a partnership with Synthace, a small, U.K.-based software startup.
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