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In the Eye of the Beholder
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In the Eye of the Beholder

Researchers supported by NASA's Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development (ASTID) program are designing algorithms and instruments that could help...

Painting Robot Lends Surgeons a Hand
From ACM Careers

Painting Robot Lends Surgeons a Hand

A robot invented by a Wake Forest University student could help teach doctors how to perform complex, robot-assisted surgeries.

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?
From ACM Careers

Is Google Cornering the Market on Deep Learning?

How much are a dozen deep-learning researchers worth?

More on Deepmind: AI Startup to Work Directly With Google’s Search Team
From ACM News

More on Deepmind: AI Startup to Work Directly With Google’s Search Team

Google has been buying a lot of crazy stuff lately.

The Race to Buy the Human Brains Behind Deep Learning Machines
From ACM Careers

The Race to Buy the Human Brains Behind Deep Learning Machines

Any aspiring science fiction writer looking for a good protagonist could do worse than ripping off the Wikipedia page for Demis Hassabis.

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?
From ACM News

One Day an Elevator Might Ask—are You Getting On?

Microsoft researchers have enabled elevators in a company building to detect the likelihood that a person walking by will want to board it.

Nasa Receives Mars 2020 Rover Instrument Proposals For Evaluation
From ACM Careers

Nasa Receives Mars 2020 Rover Instrument Proposals For Evaluation

NASA has received 58 proposals for science and exploration technology instruments to fly aboard the agency's next Mars rover in 2020, twice the usual number submitted...

Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence
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Marvin Minsky Honored For Lifetime Achievements in Artificial Intelligence

MIT Media Lab professor emeritus Marvin Minsky, 86, a pioneer in the field of artificial intelligence, has won the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award...

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality
From ACM News

Meet the Man Google Hired to Make AI a Reality

Geoffrey Hinton was in high school when a friend convinced him that the brain worked like a hologram.

Human Arm Sensors Make Robot Smarter
From ACM Careers

Human Arm Sensors Make Robot Smarter

Using arm sensors that can "read" a person's muscle movements, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have created a control system that makes robots more...

Comet Craft Ready to Wake
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Comet Craft Ready to Wake

Space scientists are used to moments of high tension.

Why Google Bought Nest: A Theory
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Bought Nest: A Theory

Google is acquiring Nest, makers of a smart thermostat, for a reported $3.2 billion.

Innovative Technology Spawns Commercial Robotic Gripper
From ACM Careers

Innovative Technology Spawns Commercial Robotic Gripper

The robot gripper invented by researchers at the University of Chicago and Cornell University is now available commercially.

Wheeled Wonder
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Wheeled Wonder

Pay a visit to Manuela Veloso in the Gates and Hillman centers at Carnegie Mellon University and you may be in for a big surprise.

IBM Doubles Down on Watson
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IBM Doubles Down on Watson

IBM plans to jumpstart Watson with a $100-million venture fund to build a business around the supercomputer that famously beat two human champions at the TV game...

10 Bold Predictions For 2014
From ACM Opinion

10 Bold Predictions For 2014

At the beginning of each year, it's possible to make predictions about the future of the tech sector simply by extrapolating from data in the latest Mary Meeker...

This Eerie Game Was Made by Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

This Eerie Game Was Made by Artificial Intelligence

If there's one human characteristic that’s difficult to emulate in artificial intelligence, it's creativity.

Meet Alphalem, an Open Source Brain Just for Robots
From ACM Careers

Meet Alphalem, an Open Source Brain Just for Robots

For years, robotics was the domain of massively rich corporations.

From ACM Opinion

North Dakota Pitches Itself As a ­topia For Drones

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration named six sites dedicated to the research and testing of unmanned aerial systems, or drones.

Decade-Old Rover Adventure Continues on Mars and Earth
From ACM News

Decade-Old Rover Adventure Continues on Mars and Earth

Eighth graders didn't have Facebook or Twitter to share news back then, in January 2004.
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