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Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?
From ACM Opinion

Google in Jeopardy: What If IBM's Watson Dethroned the King of Search?

Remember Watson, IBM's Jeopardy! champion?

Surprisingly Simple Scheme for Self-Assembling Robots
From ACM Careers

Surprisingly Simple Scheme for Self-Assembling Robots

Small cubes with no exterior moving parts can propel themselves forward, jump on top of each other, and snap together to form arbitrary shapes.

Jellyfish Removal Robot Developed
From ACM Careers

Jellyfish Removal Robot Developed

A research team at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has developed an unmanned robotic system that locates and removes jellyfish.

Putting a Face on a Robot
From ACM Careers

Putting a Face on a Robot

A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology finds that older and younger people have varying preferences about what they would want a personal robot to...

Cache and Not Carry: Next Mars Rover to Collect Samples For Return to Earth—someday
From ACM News

Cache and Not Carry: Next Mars Rover to Collect Samples For Return to Earth—someday

Have rover, need payload. That's the state of things for NASA, which is planning to launch its next rover to Mars in 2020.

Professor Develops 'brain' For Robots
From ACM Careers

Professor Develops 'brain' For Robots

A Missouri S&T researcher has developed a new feedback system to remotely control mobile robots. The research could eventually lead to a robot that can learn or...

Man Controls New Prosthetic Leg ­sing Thought Alone
From ACM News

Man Controls New Prosthetic Leg ­sing Thought Alone

A man missing his lower leg has gained precise control over a prosthetic limb, just by thinking about moving it—all because his unused nerves were preserved during...

Bringing 'Common Sense' to Text Analytics
From ACM Careers

Bringing 'Common Sense' to Text Analytics

Catherine Havasi used more than a decade of artificial intelligence research as the technological foundation for a startup whose commercial software is helping...

Empty F-16 Jet Tested By Boeing and ­.s. Air Force
From ACM News

Empty F-16 Jet Tested By Boeing and ­.s. Air Force

Boeing has revealed that it has retrofitted retired fighter jets to turn them into drones.

Life on Mars: Down But Not Out Says Mars Society Founder
From ACM Opinion

Life on Mars: Down But Not Out Says Mars Society Founder

Hopes of alien life on Mars were dashed Thursday when a paper published in the journal Scienceconcluded that the Curiosity rover has yet to find any methane gas...

Emotional Attachment to Robots Could Affect Outcome on Battlefield
From ACM Careers

Emotional Attachment to Robots Could Affect Outcome on Battlefield

Researchers find that people sometimes treat robots like pets, friends, or as an extension of themselves, which raises questions about how a soldier's attachment...

Machine Language: How Siri Found Its Voice
From ACM News

Machine Language: How Siri Found Its Voice

GM Voices is nestled on a rolling, leafy road in Alpharetta, Georgia, an affluent suburb of Atlanta.

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones
From ACM News

Tiny Recon Robots Herald New Generation of Drones

Ex-U.S. Marine Ernest Langdon pulls a pin and throws a small black object onto the ground. But it doesn't explode.

Mars Rover Camera Invention Could Help Nasa Robots Explore Solo
From ACM News

Mars Rover Camera Invention Could Help Nasa Robots Explore Solo

Every second that a NASA rover roams across the surface of Mars is extremely expensive.

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions
From ACM News

Artificial-Intelligence Research Revives Its Old Ambitions

The birth of artificial-intelligence research as an autonomous discipline is generally thought to have been the monthlong Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial...

A Peek ­nder the Hood at the Brains of Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Opinion

A Peek ­nder the Hood at the Brains of Self-Driving Cars

What car maker today doesn't seem to have an autonomous car bumbling around its test lot?

Who Will Prosper in the New World
From ACM Opinion

Who Will Prosper in the New World

Self-driving vehicles threaten to send truck drivers to the unemployment office.

The Insane and Exciting Future of the Bionic Body
From ACM News

The Insane and Exciting Future of the Bionic Body

Bertolt Meyer pulls off his left forearm and gives it to me.

NASA's Plan to Put a Landsail Rover on Venus
From ACM News

NASA's Plan to Put a Landsail Rover on Venus

Venus is like a reclusive celebrity that gets the public's attention every couple of years, though in the planet's case it's more like every century.

Life After Siri: Nuance's ­phill Climb To Being Your Digital Assistant
From ACM Opinion

Life After Siri: Nuance's ­phill Climb To Being Your Digital Assistant

In the gleaming Silicon Valley branch office of speech-recognition firm Nuance Communications, a small room has been made to look like a homey den.
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