From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
Small cubes with no exterior moving parts can propel themselves forward, jump on top of each other, and snap together to form arbitrary shapes.MIT News From ACM Careers | October 4, 2013
A research team at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology has developed an unmanned robotic system that locates and removes jellyfish.Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology From ACM Careers | October 4, 2013
A new study from the Georgia Institute of Technology finds that older and younger people have varying preferences about what they would want a personal robot to...Georgia Institute of Technology From ACM Careers | October 1, 2013
Have rover, need payload. That's the state of things for NASA, which is planning to launch its next rover to Mars in 2020.Scientific American From ACM News | September 27, 2013
A Missouri S&T researcher has developed a new feedback system to remotely control mobile robots. The research could eventually lead to a robot that can learn or...Missouri University of Science and Technology From ACM Careers | September 27, 2013
A man missing his lower leg has gained precise control over a prosthetic limb, just by thinking about moving it—all because his unused nerves were preserved during...New Scientist From ACM News | September 26, 2013
Catherine Havasi used more than a decade of artificial intelligence research as the technological foundation for a startup whose commercial software is helping...MIT News From ACM Careers | September 25, 2013
Hopes of alien life on Mars were dashed Thursday when a paper published in the journal Scienceconcluded that the Curiosity rover has yet to find any methane gas...CNET From ACM Opinion | September 23, 2013
Researchers find that people sometimes treat robots like pets, friends, or as an extension of themselves, which raises questions about how a soldier's attachment...niversity of Washington From ACM Careers | September 18, 2013
Ex-U.S. Marine Ernest Langdon pulls a pin and throws a small black object onto the ground. But it doesn't explode.Reuters From ACM News | September 13, 2013
The birth of artificial-intelligence research as an autonomous discipline is generally thought to have been the monthlong Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial...MIT News Office From ACM News | September 10, 2013
Venus is like a reclusive celebrity that gets the public's attention every couple of years, though in the planet's case it's more like every century.ABC News From ACM News | August 27, 2013
In the gleaming Silicon Valley branch office of speech-recognition firm Nuance Communications, a small room has been made to look like a homey den.Forbes From ACM Opinion | August 22, 2013