From ACM Careers
Canonical's Open Documentation Academy aims to help newcomers participate in the open source community, offering mentorship and…
BNN| February 28, 2024
The student-led Techshare Project, founded by high schooler Molly Cantillon, teaches STEM subjects to underprivileged children in New Jersey and around the From ACM Careers | August 24, 2020
Bletchley Park, home to the world's first large-scale electronic computer, is facing a financial crisis and is preparing to lay off a third of its workforce. It...BBC From ACM Careers | August 24, 2020
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants India to be a world leader in research. One way he wants to get there: more coding in schools.
The Florida Star From ACM Careers | August 21, 2020
The odds of women receiving pay for a college internship are 34% lower than for men, according to new research from Binghamton University.
Binghamton University From ACM Careers | August 19, 2020
Researchers from North Carolina State University conducted a large-scale study of robocalls, and report on useful tools and perspectives for researchers, investigators...North Carolina State University From ACM Careers | August 19, 2020
Researchers from Intel and MIT have unveiled a machine learning tool that brings developers one step closer to automated coding.
ZDNet From ACM TechNews | August 18, 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic has laid bare the need to reinvent education. A new book by Sanjay Sarma, MIT's vice president for open learning, points a way.
MIT News From ACM Careers | August 18, 2020
Demand has slackened for Python coding language skills since March amid the coronavirus pandemic, according to HackerRank, the developer hiring platform.
ZDNet From ACM TechNews | August 17, 2020
By giving their employees the freedom to work from anywhere, San Franciso Bay Area tech companies appear to have touched off an exodus.
The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | August 17, 2020
Liam Porr, a computer science student at the University of California, Berkeley, used the GPT-3 language-generating tool created by OpenAI to produce an entirely...Technology Review From ACM Careers | August 14, 2020
New priorities for businesses have changed the type of software skills most in demand, tech recruiter Harvey Nash reports.
ZDNet From ACM Careers | August 14, 2020
The Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, a graduate-level, research-based AI university located in Abu Dhabi, has opened its admissions cycle...Trade Arabia From ACM Careers | August 13, 2020
Marcus Rogers and Umit Karabiyik of Purdue University are leading an ongoing project focused on using AI-enabled tools and technology to reduce recidivism rates...Purdue University From ACM Careers | August 13, 2020
With summer internships in computer science gone due to COVID-19, Tufts created the Code for Good program that placed students on technical teams to assist nonprofits...Tufts University From ACM Careers | August 12, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic and the explosion in demand for home-delivered goods means FedEx and other shippers are pushing the limits of what robotic arms can do.
The Wall Street Journal From ACM Careers | August 12, 2020
The Stanford Center for Health Education has launched Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, an online program aimed at computer scientists, technology professionals...Stanford Center for Health Education From ACM Careers | August 11, 2020
The "Qubit by Qubit" initiative aims to introduce high school students to quantum computing through two programs: a week-long summer camp, and a year-long course...MIT News From ACM Careers | August 11, 2020
Gender-balanced management teams help businesses, more so when companies face adverse conditions, a study by an international team of researchers suggests.
University of Adelaide From ACM Careers | August 10, 2020