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'killer Robots': Are They Really Inevitable?
From ACM News

'killer Robots': Are They Really Inevitable?

The robot tank is moving rapidly through the scrub on its caterpillar tracks.

Man Behind the First Computer Password: It's Become a Nightmare
From ACM Opinion

Man Behind the First Computer Password: It's Become a Nightmare

In the early 1960s, Fernando Corbató helped deploy the first known computer password.

A New Kind of Media Theory
From ACM Careers

A New Kind of Media Theory

MIT's Fox Harrell is looking to give computer games, social media, and digital media the same opportunities for social reflection present in literature, film, and...

My Duolingo Learning App Can Reshape Education
From ACM Opinion

My Duolingo Learning App Can Reshape Education

Duolingo users are making new courses for people who speak Asian languages like Chinese and Hindi. How does that work?

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens
From ACM News

Tackling the Limits of Touch Screens

Touch screens are ubiquitous on tablets and smartphones, but their flat glass surfaces can hinder close reading and accurate typing.

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked
From ACM Opinion

Who Watches the Watchers? Big Data Goes ­nchecked

The National Security Agency might be tracking your phone calls. But private industry is prying far more deeply into your life.

Gchq-Backed Competition Seeks New Recruits
From ACM Careers

Gchq-Backed Competition Seeks New Recruits

Dubbed the Cyber Security Challenge, contestants will participate in various cyber-battles.

Scientists Create Brain-Computer Interface Capable of Learning Commands
From ACM Careers

Scientists Create Brain-Computer Interface Capable of Learning Commands

Scientists in Japan have developed what may be the first brain-computer interface that allows users with severe physical or vocal disabilities to control objects...

A Sad Day
From ACM Opinion

A Sad Day

We lost Nereus today

3D Printing Reveals the Power of Shark Skin
From ACM Careers

3D Printing Reveals the Power of Shark Skin

Viewed up close, a shark's skin bristles with tiny teeth or "denticles" which aid swimming.

Some Predictions About the Internet of Things and Wearable Tech From Pew Research
From ACM News

Some Predictions About the Internet of Things and Wearable Tech From Pew Research

Remember the prediction that one day your oven would be connected to the Internet and have the ability to talk to your car?

Google's Self-Driving Car Turns Out to Be a Very Smart Ride
From ACM News

Google's Self-Driving Car Turns Out to Be a Very Smart Ride

A white Lexus hybrid SUV inches to the left, creating a slightly wider buffer as it passes a bicyclist in the bike lane on a busy and unseasonably hot Tuesday afternoon...

Natural-Language Processing Techniques Aid Activity-Recognition Algorithm
From ACM Careers

Natural-Language Processing Techniques Aid Activity-Recognition Algorithm

Techniques from natural-language processing enable computers to efficiently search video for actions.

Amy Robinson, Creative Director
From ACM Opinion

Amy Robinson, Creative Director

Amy Robinson pulls no punches.

One Day, You'll Google the Physical World With a Scanner Like This
From ACM Careers

One Day, You'll Google the Physical World With a Scanner Like This

There are few technologies as comprehensive as Google.

It's Judgment Day For Killer Robots at the ­nited Nations
From ACM News

It's Judgment Day For Killer Robots at the ­nited Nations

Has the age of the Robocop and Terminator arrived?

Cheap Gadget Lets You Steer a Wheelchair with Your Eyes
From ACM News

Cheap Gadget Lets You Steer a Wheelchair with Your Eyes

Put some "crap" technology with some smart software and you get one life-changing solution.

Braille E-Books: Why Can't You Buy a Budget E-Reader?
From ACM Careers

Braille E-Books: Why Can't You Buy a Budget E-Reader?

A budget-priced Braille e-reader seems like an obvious, uncontroversial idea that should be relatively easy to pull off.

As Tech Firms Crank Out Apps For Children, Demand For Junior Consultants Rises
From ACM Careers

As Tech Firms Crank Out Apps For Children, Demand For Junior Consultants Rises

Owen Radtke, like many of his peers in the San Francisco Bay Area, is in hot demand as a product-design consultant for technology startups.

Nsa's Encrypted Tweet: We're Hiring Code Breakers
From ACM Careers

Nsa's Encrypted Tweet: We're Hiring Code Breakers

What better way to recruit potential code breakers than to advertise in cipher?
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