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The Infinite Lives of BitTorrent
From ACM Careers

The Infinite Lives of BitTorrent

Bram Cohen sits at a round desk, surrounded by a pod of open cubicles.

One-Hit Wonders
From ACM Opinion

One-Hit Wonders

For more than a year now, tens of millions of Americans have found time each day to devote themselves to an essential task: swiping at their phones and tablets...

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future
From ACM Careers

Virtual Reality Startups Look Back to the Future

It's been almost 30 years since the computer scientist Jaron Lanier formed VPL Research, the first company to sell the high-tech goggles and gloves that once defined...

Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels
From ACM Careers

Computer Science Students Help Singers Learn Their Vowels

Voice students who want to perfect how they sing their vowels can get help from a new free application called Vowel Shapes developed by a group of University of...

Inside the New Arms Race to Control Bandwidth on the Battlefield
From ACM News

Inside the New Arms Race to Control Bandwidth on the Battlefield

An electromagnetic mystery in northern Iraq changed the course of Jesse Potter's life.

Interviewing the Algorithm
From ACM News

Interviewing the Algorithm

Often, when there's talk about algorithms and journalism, the focus is on how to use algorithms to help publishers share content better and make more money.

Social Physics
From ACM Opinion

Social Physics

Since 2001, the Human Dynamics Laboratory at the MIT Media Lab has used digital technologies—from home-brewed portable sensors to cellphone call records—to try...

The One Good Thing About Cyberattacks
From ACM Careers

The One Good Thing About Cyberattacks

The normally humdrum world of IT security is heating up, and not just because of comedian Stephen Colbert's controversial closing keynote at last week's RSA Conference...

This Simple Data-Scraping Tool Could Change How Apps Are Made
From ACM Careers

This Simple Data-Scraping Tool Could Change How Apps Are Made

The number of web pages on the internet is somewhere north of two billion, perhaps as many as double that.

Dream Job: Digital Instrument Creator
From ACM Careers

Dream Job: Digital Instrument Creator

Sometimes playing a guitar with a plectrum isn't enough.

Meet the Seven People Who Hold the Keys to Worldwide Internet Security
From ACM News

Meet the Seven People Who Hold the Keys to Worldwide Internet Security

In a nondescript industrial estate in El Segundo, a boxy suburb in south-west Los Angeles just a mile or two from LAX international airport, 20 people wait in a...

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon
From ACM Opinion

Futurist Says We'll ­se Lasers to Beam Our Minds Into Space Someday Soon

The idea of erasing and implanting memories is a common feature of science fiction films such as Total Recall and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group
From ACM News

Xi Jinping Leads Internet Security Group

President Xi Jinping will head the central Internet security and informatization leading group, according to a statement released after the first meeting of the...

TrustyCon's RSA Conference Rebels Promise More to Come
From ACM Careers

TrustyCon's RSA Conference Rebels Promise More to Come

What started as a one-man boycott of the annual RSA Conference here in response to the confab'sparent company's ties to the National Security Agency has begun to...

How an ­nlikely Group of High-Tech Wizards Revived Obama's Troubled Website
From ACM News

How an ­nlikely Group of High-Tech Wizards Revived Obama's Troubled Website

Last Oct. 17—more than two weeks after the launch of—White House chief of staff Denis McDonough came back from Baltimore rattled by what he had learned...

Battery-Free Technology Brings Gesture Recognition to All Devices
From ACM Careers

Battery-Free Technology Brings Gesture Recognition to All Devices

University of Washington computer scientists have built a low-cost gesture recognition system that runs without batteries and lets users control their electronic...

Ibm to Take Watson Mobile with Developer Challenge
From ACM Careers

Ibm to Take Watson Mobile with Developer Challenge

IBM wants to bring its Jeopardy!-winning cognitive computing system Watson to the mobile industry.

The ­nlikely Tale of How Arm Came to Rule the World
From ACM News

The ­nlikely Tale of How Arm Came to Rule the World

This is a story about ARM Holdings, the mobile technology company.

Mobile Privacy Sells in Post-Snowden World
From ACM Careers

Mobile Privacy Sells in Post-Snowden World

Following the Snowden snooping revelations, there is growing interest in a range of mobile phone products with one central selling point: privacy.

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete
From ACM Opinion

Comcast's Deal with Netflix Makes Network Neutrality Obsolete

For the past two decades, the Internet has operated as an unregulated, competitive free market.
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