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What Excites Ceo Larry Page About Alphabet? Wi-Fi Beaming Balloons
From ACM Careers

What Excites Ceo Larry Page About Alphabet? Wi-Fi Beaming Balloons

Alphabet, formerly Google, is a Wonka factory of tech projects.

Apple's Deep Learning Curve
From ACM Opinion

Apple's Deep Learning Curve

In the world of artificial intelligence, one of the year's biggest coming-out parties is the Neural Information Processing Systems conference.

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game
From ACM Careers

Behind the Scenes of the Internet's First Football Game

At 5:05 AM Sunday, long before the rest of Sunnyvale, California, will wake up, Yahoo's control room is packed.

The Gop Has a Tech Talent Problem It Might Not Solve
From ACM Careers

The Gop Has a Tech Talent Problem It Might Not Solve

Scott Walker's withdrawal from the 2016 presidential race last month was tough on staffers like Matt Oczkowski—as it turns out, tougher than he thought.

Do Women Place Less Importance on Their Careers Than Men? Professor Rebuts Misconceptions
From ACM Careers

Do Women Place Less Importance on Their Careers Than Men? Professor Rebuts Misconceptions

There is a pre-existing assumption that women place less importance on their careers than men. A new study by an Ithaca College professor challenges this assumption...

Former NSA Head's Cyber-Security Startup Raises $32.5 million
From ACM Careers

Former NSA Head's Cyber-Security Startup Raises $32.5 million

Former U.S. National Security Agency Director Keith Alexander's cyber security startup, IronNet Cybersecurity Inc, said on Monday it had raised $32.5 million in...

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem
From ACM News

You Wouldn't Think It, But Typeface Piracy Is a Big Problem

It's safe to assume that most people have no idea that fonts, like music or movies, are protected by intellectual property laws, they usually come with a hefty...

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work
From ACM Careers

Why What You Learned in Preschool Is Crucial at Work

For all the jobs that machines can now do—whether performing surgery, driving cars or serving food—they still lack one distinctly human trait. They have no social...

Immigrants Have a Growing Role in the ­.S. Sci-Tech Workforce
From ACM TechNews

Immigrants Have a Growing Role in the ­.S. Sci-Tech Workforce

Immigrants accounted for 18 percent of U.S. scientists and engineers in 2013, up from 16 percent in 2003, according to a U.S. National Science Foundation report...

What Celebrities Can Teach Companies About Social Media
From ACM Opinion

What Celebrities Can Teach Companies About Social Media

Let's face it: Corporate America's social presence could use a celebrity makeover.

Tech Startups Chase Something Other Than Profits
From ACM Careers

Tech Startups Chase Something Other Than Profits

At a demo day in San Francisco on Wednesday, Joyce Kim's presentation of her financial tech startup sounded a lot like a tech startup pitching venture capitalists...

Pilots Can't Stop Cockpit Video Forever
From ACM Careers

Pilots Can't Stop Cockpit Video Forever

It was after 11 p.m. on March 30, 2013, when the Alaska Department of Public Safety helicopter lifted off near Talkeetna, north of Anchorage, after rescuing a stranded...

What's Our Obsession with Steve Jobs All About?
From ACM Careers

What's Our Obsession with Steve Jobs All About?

The new movie "Steve Jobs" provides yet another take on the well known business celebrity. Thomas Streeter, professor of sociology at the University of Vermont,...

Smaller U.s. Businesses Fear Freeze from Eu Privacy Ruling
From ACM News

Smaller U.s. Businesses Fear Freeze from Eu Privacy Ruling

U.S. businesses from online coupon company RetailMeNot Inc to security software company Symantec Corp said a European change to rules governing transatlantic personal...

Start-­ps Picked By Disney Hint at Future Tech For Children
From ACM Careers

Start-­ps Picked By Disney Hint at Future Tech For Children

How will Disney use technology to captivate the children of the future?

New Report Puts Numbers on Data Scientist Trend
From ACM Careers

New Report Puts Numbers on Data Scientist Trend

Data scientist–a job that barely existed a decade ago–has become one of the hottest and best-paid professions in the U.S.

Can the Pentagon Do Business with Silicon Valley?
From ACM Careers

Can the Pentagon Do Business with Silicon Valley?

"Want to see the bin Laden compound?"

The Battle Over Genome Editing Gets Science All Wrong
From ACM News

The Battle Over Genome Editing Gets Science All Wrong

Nobel Prize speculation, gossip, and betting pools kick off every fall around the time Thomson Reuters releases its predictions for science's most prestigious prize...

Study Shows Importance of Universities in Producing Entrepreneurs
From ACM Careers

Study Shows Importance of Universities in Producing Entrepreneurs

An education program that gives students a hands-on approach to launching a successful startup gives them confidence to found their own company.

The Jocks of Computer Code Do It For the Job Offers
From ACM Careers

The Jocks of Computer Code Do It For the Job Offers

At 21, Gennady Vladimirovich Korotkevich is already a legend. Tourist, as he's known online, is now the world's top sport programmer.
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