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Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips
From ACM News

Smaller, Faster, Cheaper, Over: The Future of Computer Chips

At the inaugural International Solid-State Circuits Conference held on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1960, a young computer engineer...

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?
From ACM News

How Much of Your Audience Is Fake?

Private Firms Spy a Market in Spotting Space Junk
From ACM Careers

Private Firms Spy a Market in Spotting Space Junk

The US military has long taken the role of traffic cop in space: monitoring satellites, tracking debris and, in recent years, warning satellite operators and foreign...

Why the Next Steve Jobs Will Be a Woman
From ACM CareerNews

Why the Next Steve Jobs Will Be a Woman

More women than ever before are cracking the ranks of the United States' top entrepreneurs, indicating that the next iconic tech entrepreneur could be a woman.

Why IT Budgets Are Up But Hiring is Down
From ACM CareerNews

Why IT Budgets Are Up But Hiring is Down

The latest quarterly "Reality Check" survey from TEKsystems suggests that IT budgets are on the rise, but hiring expectations are significantly lower than they...

Why Europe Isn't Creating Any Googles or Facebooks
From ACM Careers

Why Europe Isn't Creating Any Googles or Facebooks

Micha Benoliel grew up in France and launched his first technology startup there, but he never forgot the atmosphere of adventure and optimism in San Francisco,...

Devils Go All In on ­se of Analytics (a Poker Expert Helps)
From ACM Careers

Devils Go All In on ­se of Analytics (a Poker Expert Helps)

Sunny Mehta has been a musician, a professional poker player and an author, and he has worked in finance.

Age-Old question: Can Commercial Software Succeed in an Open-Source World?
From ACM Careers

Age-Old question: Can Commercial Software Succeed in an Open-Source World?

Answer: It depends on how you define success.

Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—and It's All in One Place
From ACM News

Google Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—and It's All in One Place

How big is Google? We can answer that question in terms of revenue or stock price or customers or, well, metaphysical influence.

Brynjolfsson and Mcafee: The Jobs that AI Can't Replace
From ACM Opinion

Brynjolfsson and Mcafee: The Jobs that AI Can't Replace

At the heart of capitalism is the concept of creative destruction.

In Tiny Israel, Startups Reach For Global Success
From ACM Careers

In Tiny Israel, Startups Reach For Global Success

While banking a white Audi on Route 443 outside Jerusalem, Shalom Mines nonchalantly let go of the steering wheel and took his foot off the gas.

The Auto and Tech Worlds Are Fighting For the Best Minds in Race For Self-Driving Cars
From ACM Careers

The Auto and Tech Worlds Are Fighting For the Best Minds in Race For Self-Driving Cars

Google had all of Silicon Valley to choose from when deciding on a leader for its ambitious self-driving car division.

You Aren't Good Enough to Win Money Playing Daily Fantasy Football
From ACM Careers

You Aren't Good Enough to Win Money Playing Daily Fantasy Football

Every first-time player of daily fantasy football begins the new season undefeated, just like even the most hopeless NFL teams.

Google Won't Have Easy Ride Back Into China
From ACM Careers

Google Won't Have Easy Ride Back Into China

Google Inc CEO Sundar Pichai has made no secret that he wants to get back into China via Google Play, the app store for its Android mobile operating system.

Putin vs. the Internet: The Laws That Matter
From ACM News

Putin vs. the Internet: The Laws That Matter

A new law in force in Russia from Sept. 1 is intended to force foreign Internet firms to maintain local servers to handle data on Russian citizens.

7 Technology Trends that Will Make or Break Many Careers
From ACM Careers

7 Technology Trends that Will Make or Break Many Careers

No matter what field you work in, if you're hoping to get ahead in your career, you need to be mindful of technology trends.

On the Farm: Startups Put Data in Farmers' Hands
From ACM Careers

On the Farm: Startups Put Data in Farmers' Hands

Farmers and entrepreneurs are starting to compete with agribusiness giants over the newest commodity being harvested on U.S. farms—one measured in bytes, not bushels...

European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google
From ACM News

European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google

In private sessions this summer, giant publishers and media companies from Germany, France and elsewhere have met with European officials about proposals to regulate...

Tech Companies Are Hiring More Liberal-Arts Majors Than You Think
From ACM Careers

Tech Companies Are Hiring More Liberal-Arts Majors Than You Think

Silicon Valley has a reputation for being filled with egghead coders who popped out of college as brilliant engineers (or who never finished college in the first...

Social Is Dead: What 146 Startup Pitches Showed Me about the Next Wave of Tech Companies
From ACM Careers

Social Is Dead: What 146 Startup Pitches Showed Me about the Next Wave of Tech Companies

Investing in startups is like bird-watching, or at least that's the quote from legendary venture capitalist Mike Moritz.
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