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Humans Are Tech's Next Big Thing—and That Could Be Risky
From ACM Opinion

Humans Are Tech's Next Big Thing—and That Could Be Risky

Internet companies make billions of dollars by capturing one of the world's most precious commodities: your attention.

'epic' Fail—how Opm Hackers Tapped the Mother Lode of Espionage Data
From ACM News

'epic' Fail—how Opm Hackers Tapped the Mother Lode of Espionage Data

Government officials have been vague in their testimony about the data breaches—there was apparently more than one—at the Office of Personnel Management.

Point, Click, and Fire in Virtual Reality—with Just Your Eyes
From ACM Careers

Point, Click, and Fire in Virtual Reality—with Just Your Eyes

It's testament to the speed at which the current crop of virtual-reality headsets are evolving that newcomer Fove is able to make its competitors seem, if not outdated...

The Moment I Decided Robots Were As Interesting As Humans
From ACM Opinion

The Moment I Decided Robots Were As Interesting As Humans

When I was little, I was enamored with the idea of being a pioneer; I was drawn to the thought that I could be the first to do something—be a trailblazer, the forerunner...

How to Spot Home-Grown Isis Recruits Online Before They Leave
From ACM Careers

How to Spot Home-Grown Isis Recruits Online Before They Leave

Britain's youngest suicide bomber. That is how the name Talha Asmal was introduced to the public last week.

Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire
From ACM News

Revealed: The Secret Gear Connecting Google's Online Empire

Three-and-a-half years ago, a strange computing device appeared at an office building in the tiny farmland town of Shelby, Iowa.

The Man Who Rebuilt 1920s Harlem in Virtual Reality
From ACM Careers

The Man Who Rebuilt 1920s Harlem in Virtual Reality

Over the course of the last two decades, Bryan Carter has built a small city. Well, it’s more of a neighborhood, really.

Halo and the Hololens: Microsoft Teases Its Virtual World at E3 2015
From ACM Careers

Halo and the Hololens: Microsoft Teases Its Virtual World at E3 2015

Despite being a billion-dollar industry, the future of video games remains murky.

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?
From ACM Opinion

No One Questions Google's Ability to Innovate, So Why Do Its Moonshots Look Like Money Pits?

Consider a question that we have been puzzling over at the World Economic Forum.

How Facebook Is Eating the $140 Billion Hardware Market
From ACM Careers

How Facebook Is Eating the $140 Billion Hardware Market

It started out as a controversial idea inside Facebook. In four short years, it has turned the $141 billion data-center computer-hardware industry on its head.

Vietnam's Mobile Revolution Catapults Millions Into the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

Vietnam's Mobile Revolution Catapults Millions Into the Digital Age

To get an idea of how the mobile Web is catapulting millions of people into the digital age by skipping landline connections, have a look at Vietnam.

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing
From ACM News

Cyber Citizen Tool Shows Which Countries' Laws Cover Our Surfing

"Where am I?" In the real world, it's an easy question to answer. Online, things can get more complicated.

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet
From ACM News

Beautiful, Intriguing, and Illegal Ways to Map the Internet

When you hear the word "Internet," what do you picture in your mind?

U.s. Surveillance Backlash Could Cost Tech Companies More Than $35 Billion By 2016
From ACM Careers

U.s. Surveillance Backlash Could Cost Tech Companies More Than $35 Billion By 2016

The U.S. government's widespread data surveillance practices are likely to cost U.S. cloud computing and other technology companies more money than originally expected...

Apple's Biggest Breakthrough That Almost No One Knows About
From ACM Careers

Apple's Biggest Breakthrough That Almost No One Knows About

Ask the average Apple fan to make a list of the important moves the company has made in the past year or so, and the list will probably start with the Apple Watch...

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink
From ACM News

Image Software Spots Links in Tattoo Ink

In an unusual twist on biometrics research, US computer scientists have joined with law-enforcement officials to find new ways to automatically detect tattoos on...

Apple's Latest Selling Point: How Little It Knows About You
From ACM Careers

Apple's Latest Selling Point: How Little It Knows About You

Apple wants its devices to know everything about you. But more than ever, it wants you to know that Apple doesn't know what those devices know.

Connected Cows, Cars and Crockery Prod Chip Mega Mergers
From ACM Careers

Connected Cows, Cars and Crockery Prod Chip Mega Mergers

Chip companies are merging, signing $66 billion worth of deals this year alone in preparation for an explosion of demand from all walks of life as the next technological...

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright
From ACM News

Falls of the Robots: Disaster Droids Struggle to Stay ­pright

It's a scenario straight out of a Hollywood movie.

Who Wins in a Data Breach? Cybersecurity Firms–and Their Investors
From ACM Careers

Who Wins in a Data Breach? Cybersecurity Firms–and Their Investors

FireEye Inc., a Silicon Valley-based cybersecurity firm, held an analyst day on Wednesday, doing its best (as all companies do) to build its case for the Street...
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