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James L. Flanagan, Who Helped Make Computers Talk, Dies at 89
From ACM Careers

James L. Flanagan, Who Helped Make Computers Talk, Dies at 89

James L. Flanagan, whom we can thank for articulate digital assistants like Siri and intelligible subway loudspeakers and blame for the disembodied voices that...

On the Farm: Startups Put Data in Farmers' Hands
From ACM Careers

On the Farm: Startups Put Data in Farmers' Hands

Farmers and entrepreneurs are starting to compete with agribusiness giants over the newest commodity being harvested on U.S. farms—one measured in bytes, not bushels...

European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google
From ACM News

European Publishers Play Lobbying Role Against Google

In private sessions this summer, giant publishers and media companies from Germany, France and elsewhere have met with European officials about proposals to regulate...

Dartmouth Football's Brilliant Dummies
From ACM Careers

Dartmouth Football's Brilliant Dummies

Wearing a green Dartmouth College jersey, the newest player on the school's football team readies for action during a preseason practice.

The Government Needs to Work with Silicon Valley to Create Our Military Future
From ACM Opinion

The Government Needs to Work with Silicon Valley to Create Our Military Future

In 1931, the city fathers of Sunnyvale, California, came up with a unique plan to rescue their town from the doldrums of the Great Depression.

Connecting Your Car to Your Smartphone Can Make Auto Data Work For You
From ACM Careers

Connecting Your Car to Your Smartphone Can Make Auto Data Work For You

If your car could talk, you might be surprised by how much it has to say.

Why Neuroscience Needs Hackers
From ACM Opinion

Why Neuroscience Needs Hackers

There was a time when neuroscientists could only dream of having such a problem.

Why Gogo's Infuriatingly Expensive, Slow Internet Still Owns the Skies
From ACM Careers

Why Gogo's Infuriatingly Expensive, Slow Internet Still Owns the Skies

In the fall of 2008, Louis C.K. was a guest on Late Night with Conan O'Brien and delivered a soon-to-be-viral rant called "Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy...

Argonne Pushing Boundaries of Computing in Engine Simulations
From ACM Careers

Argonne Pushing Boundaries of Computing in Engine Simulations

Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory will be testing the limits of computing horsepower this year with a new simulation project that will harness 60 million...

Robokiller Wins Ftc Prize By Annihilating Robocalls
From ACM Careers

Robokiller Wins Ftc Prize By Annihilating Robocalls

A new technology called "RoboKiller" has won a $25,000 grand prize from the Federal Trade Commission in the agency's "Robocalls: Humanity Strikes Back" contest...

Inside the Surprisingly High-Stakes Quest to Design a Computer Program That 'gets' Sarcasm Online
From ACM TechNews

Inside the Surprisingly High-Stakes Quest to Design a Computer Program That 'gets' Sarcasm Online

A computer program that can reliably detect sarcasm is a formidable challenge, a key hurdle being that most cues signaling sarcasm are non-textual.

John Henry Holland, Who Computerized Evolution, Dies at 86
From ACM Careers

John Henry Holland, Who Computerized Evolution, Dies at 86

John Henry Holland, a computer scientist whose seminal work on genetic algorithms, or computer codes that mimic sexually reproducing organisms, proved crucial in...

The Future of Forecasting
From ACM Careers

The Future of Forecasting

Researchers in Europe have used the Titan supercomputer to refine their weather prediction model in hopes of understanding their future computational needs for...

It's Operating Systems Vs. Messaging Apps In The Battle For Tech's Next Frontier
From ACM Opinion

It's Operating Systems Vs. Messaging Apps In The Battle For Tech's Next Frontier

As mobile devices continue to explore and colonize the technology landscape, their conquests are leading us to a new era, beyond search and apps.

Stephen Hawking's Speech Tech Released By Intel
From ACM Careers

Stephen Hawking's Speech Tech Released By Intel

The program interprets visual signals and translates them into words, which are then "spoken" by a machine.

Google Reveals How It Scales Its Network
From ACM News

Google Reveals How It Scales Its Network

Google Inc., Tuesday, outlined its decade-long journey with software-defined networking in a new paper that it presented at the ACM SIGCOMM 2015 conference in London...

­pstarts Raid Giants For Talent in Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

­pstarts Raid Giants For Talent in Silicon Valley

For the last year, Google's work force has increasingly been under attack from a herd of unicorns.

To Inspire Software and Hardware Developers, Intel Gets Bold and Very Weird
From ACM News

To Inspire Software and Hardware Developers, Intel Gets Bold and Very Weird

It was about 10 seconds into the robotic spider dance that you had to remind yourself you were watching a presentation by the world's largest chipmaker, Intel.

Spectroscopy, Super-Resolution Microscopy Combo Examines Cell Structures
From ACM Careers

Spectroscopy, Super-Resolution Microscopy Combo Examines Cell Structures

Berkeley Lab scientist Ke Xu invented a technique to combine spectroscopy with super-resolution microscopy, enabling new ways to examine cell structures and study...

Data-Crunching Is Coming to Help Your Boss Manage Your Time
From ACM Careers

Data-Crunching Is Coming to Help Your Boss Manage Your Time

You might be at work, but that hardly means you are working.
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