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Mars Express Flyover of the Red Planet
From ACM News

Mars Express Flyover of the Red Planet

From the highest volcano to the deepest canyon, from impact craters to ancient river beds and lava flows, this showcase of images from ESA's Mars Express takes...

Will the Next Nate Silver Please Stand ­p?
From ACM Careers

Will the Next Nate Silver Please Stand ­p?

Ever since Nate Silver made a splash with his freakishly accurate election predictions, all sorts of companies have been looking for their own rock-star data scientists...

Engineers Develop Real-Time, 3-D Teleconferencing Technology
From ACM Careers

Engineers Develop Real-Time, 3-D Teleconferencing Technology

Iowa State engineers have developed 3-D teleconferencing technology that's live, real-time, and streaming at 30 frames per second. They say the technology could...

University of Waterloo: Silicon Valley's Canadian Feeder School
From ACM Careers

University of Waterloo: Silicon Valley's Canadian Feeder School

Recent engineering graduate Mike McCauley is living the dream.

Behind the Scenes at Google's Quantum AI Lab
From ACM TechNews

Behind the Scenes at Google's Quantum AI Lab

Google's Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab in May installed the 512-qubit D-Wave Two computer from D-Wave Systems, under the direction of NASA, to explore quantum...

I Am Woman, Watch Me Hack
From ACM TechNews

I Am Woman, Watch Me Hack

The ranks of women in computer science are low and dwindling, and many industry observers blame the field's gender disparity on a public image problem.

The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth
From ACM News

The Clever Circuit That Doubles Bandwidth

A startup spun out of Stanford says it has solved an age-old problem in radio communications with a new circuit and algorithm that allow data to be sent and received...

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking
From ACM News

Web Giants Threaten End to Cookie Tracking

The end could be near for cookies, the tiny pieces of code that marketers deploy on Web browsers to track people's online movements, serve targeted advertising,...

Moocs Data Offers Promise of Perfect Teaching
From ACM Careers

Moocs Data Offers Promise of Perfect Teaching

When students learn online, every mouse click is tracked.

Scientists Solve Sight-Without-Light Mystery
From ACM Careers

Scientists Solve Sight-Without-Light Mystery

With the help of computerized eye trackers, a new cognitive science study finds that at least 50 percent of people can see the movement of their own hand even...

Japan: A Haven For Humanoid Robots
From ACM News

Japan: A Haven For Humanoid Robots

Noriko Arai is not the first woman to spotlight the hazard that boys and their toys can present, and she won't be the last.

Making Robots More Like ­S
From ACM News

Making Robots More Like ­S

On a recent morning Natanel Dukan walked into the Paris offices of the French robot maker Aldebaran and noticed one of the company's humanoid NAO robots sitting...

Best Microscope Photos of the Year Bring Tiny, Amazing Worlds to Light
From ACM News

Best Microscope Photos of the Year Bring Tiny, Amazing Worlds to Light

Two-Hit Wonder
From ACM Careers

Two-Hit Wonder

Jack Dorsey, the tech entrepreneur, takes the No. 1 bus to work, and he likes to catch the 7:06.

'mundane' Classes Put Thousands Off Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

'mundane' Classes Put Thousands Off Computer Science

Reading University is launching what is believed to be the United Kingdom's first free online university programming course, as the school's vice-chancellor Sir...

The Exciting $3 Trillion Promise of Open Data
From ACM Careers

The Exciting $3 Trillion Promise of Open Data

The world is awash in data that's in the public domain but mostly goes to waste.

Powering Better Online Document Viewing
From ACM Careers

Powering Better Online Document Viewing

Startup Crocodoc is developing technology that converts documents into HTML for easy viewing and embedding.

Spinoffs Highlight Importance of Federally Funded University Research
From ACM Careers

Spinoffs Highlight Importance of Federally Funded University Research

A new report by a coalition of the leading U.S. research universities illustrates the many returns on investment of federally funded scientific research: the...

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter: Why I Put My Name in Synthetic Genomes

How has the definition of life changed during your lifetime?

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution
From ACM Opinion

Lavabit Founder Says He Fought Feds to Protect the Constitution

Like a story straight out of the universe of Franz Kafka, Lavabit founder Ladar Levison found himself before a judge in Washington, representing himself against...
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