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Robot Classes in China Set Students ­p For Future Careers
From ACM Careers

Robot Classes in China Set Students ­p For Future Careers

Many primary and middle schools in China are providing robot education to students. Lego, the largest educational robot provider in China, says there are now...

Owner of Snowden's Email Service on Why He Closed Lavabit Rather Than Comply With Gov't
From ACM Opinion

Owner of Snowden's Email Service on Why He Closed Lavabit Rather Than Comply With Gov't

Lavabit, an encrypted email service believed to have been used by National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden, has abruptly shut down.

Berlin Start-Ups: Cool and Commerce Coming Together?
From ACM Careers

Berlin Start-Ups: Cool and Commerce Coming Together?

When new businesses based on the computer chip began to cluster in Santa Clara Valley, it did not take long for someone to come up with the name Silicon Valley....

Encryption Is Less Secure Than We Thought
From ACM Careers

Encryption Is Less Secure Than We Thought

Since 1948, when Claude Shannon's seminal paper on information theory first appeared, most information-theoretic analyses of secure schemes have depended on a common...

Wireless Devices Go Battery-Free with New Communication Technique
From ACM Careers

Wireless Devices Go Battery-Free with New Communication Technique

University of Washington engineers have created a new wireless communication system that allows devices to interact with each other without relying on batteries...

The Best Way to Teach Kids Math and Science? Zombies
From ACM Careers

The Best Way to Teach Kids Math and Science? Zombies

Texas Instruments, the company that made the graphing calculator the most ubiquitous learning tool since the book, is giving teachers everywhere an invaluable...

As New Targets For Hackers, Your Car and Your House
From ACM News

As New Targets For Hackers, Your Car and Your House

Imagine driving on the freeway at 60 miles per hour and your car suddenly screeches to a halt, causing a pileup that injures dozens of people.

New Electron Beam Writer Enables Next-Gen Information Technologies
From ACM Careers

New Electron Beam Writer Enables Next-Gen Information Technologies

The new electron beam writer housed in the Nano3 cleanroom facility at the University of California, San Diego's Qualcomm Institute is important for two major areas...

Hackers Called Into Civic Duty
From ACM Careers

Hackers Called Into Civic Duty

Cash-strapped cities are turning to an unusual source to improve their online services on the cheap: helpful hackers, who use city data to create tools tracking...

Google to Quintuple Some Bug Bounties
From ACM Careers

Google to Quintuple Some Bug Bounties

Two million bucks doled out in increments of a few hundred to a few thousand dollars is no quick way to make a fortune.

Cybersecurity Pros in High Demand, Highly Paid, and Highly Selective
From ACM TechNews

Cybersecurity Pros in High Demand, Highly Paid, and Highly Selective

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is outpacing other technology jobs by a wide margin, according to a Semper Secure survey. Cybersecurity professionals...

Attracting the Next Cybersecurity Pros
From ACM TechNews

Attracting the Next Cybersecurity Pros

Winnie Callahan, director for business, education, government, and health innovations at the University of Southern California Viterbi's Information Sciences Institute...

Linkedin Connects Big Data, Human Resources
From ACM Careers

Linkedin Connects Big Data, Human Resources

Every second, more than two more people join LinkedIn's network of 238 million members.

Pgp Inventor and Silent Circle Co-Founder Phil Zimmermann on the Surveillance Society
From ACM Opinion

Pgp Inventor and Silent Circle Co-Founder Phil Zimmermann on the Surveillance Society

Phil Zimmermann might be a technologist, but he tends to get philosophical when it comes to the issues of privacy and security and how they intersect with our society...

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost
From ACM News

Coding For Brain Chips Gives Cognitive Computing Boost

It's a cognitive leap forward. IBM can now program an experimental chip they unveiled two years ago.

Exotic Optics: Metamaterial World
From ACM News

Exotic Optics: Metamaterial World

Tom Driscoll would be happy if he never heard the phrase "Harry Potter-style invisibility cloak" again.

Students Say Online Courses Enrich On-Campus Learning
From ACM Careers

Students Say Online Courses Enrich On-Campus Learning

One in five science students surveyed by Nature and Scientific American has participated in a MOOC — and most would do so again.

Device Captures Signatures and Fingerprints with Tiny Piezo-Phototronic Leds
From ACM Careers

Device Captures Signatures and Fingerprints with Tiny Piezo-Phototronic Leds

Researchers at Georgia Tech have developed a sensor device that converts mechanical pressure — from a signature or a fingerprint — directly into light signals that...

U.S. Workers Found to Outperform Offshore Staff
From ACM CareerNews

U.S. Workers Found to Outperform Offshore Staff

U.S.-based workers show more initiative and are more innovative and more understanding of the business than offshore workers, according to a new study. These qualities...

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next
From ACM News

The Science Behind the Netflix Algorithms That Decide What You'll Watch Next

If you liked 1960s Star Trek, the first non-Trek title that Netflix is likely to suggest to you is the original Mission: Impossible series (the one with the cool...
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