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Inside Pocket: How a Startup Beat Its Rivals to Build the 'DVR for Everything'
From ACM Careers

Inside Pocket: How a Startup Beat Its Rivals to Build the 'DVR for Everything'

The day before he turned 27, Nate Weiner drove from San Francisco to Mountain View for the most important meeting of his life.

Europe Says Farewell to Prolific Herschel Space Telescope
From ACM News

Europe Says Farewell to Prolific Herschel Space Telescope

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers
From ACM Careers

3d Printer Brings Dexterity to Children With No Fingers

Richard Van As was working in his home near Johannesburg, South Africa, in May of 2011, when he lost control of his table saw.

The Tech Company Lawyers Who Stand Between You and Government Snoops
From ACM Careers

The Tech Company Lawyers Who Stand Between You and Government Snoops

The in-house legal teams at Silicon Valley companies are usually associated with intellectual property disputes, anti-trade spats, and the maneuvering around initial...

Tedglobal: Cloud Schools Offer New Education
From ACM TechNews

Tedglobal: Cloud Schools Offer New Education

Children in developing countries could educate themselves in "cloud schools" equipped with computers and online moderators but no physical teachers, Newcastle University...

Stanford Online Coursework to Be Available on New Open Source Platform
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Online Coursework to Be Available on New Open Source Platform

Stanford University recently announced that online coursework will be available starting this summer on a new open source platform called OpenEdX, one of several...

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap
From ACM News

Now You Can Build Google's $1m Artificial Brain on the Cheap

Andrew Ng wants to bring deep learning—an emerging computer science field that seeks to mimic the human brain with hardware and software into the DIY era.

A Revolution in the Making
From ACM News

A Revolution in the Making

On a dark and stormy night two weeks ago in Schenectady, N.Y., Ken Hislop was relaxing at home when his cellphone suddenly began buzzing in his pocket. It was an...

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?
From ACM Opinion

Will the Nsa Rethink Its Data Collection System?

Weekend Edition Sunday Host Rachel Martin talks to Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, about whether the NSA can protect Americans'...

China's Tianhe-2 Is World's Top Supercomputer
From ACM Careers

China's Tianhe-2 Is World's Top Supercomputer

Tianhe-2, developed by China's National University of Defense Technology, is the world's top supercomputer with a performance of 33.86 petaflop/second, according...

Advanced Placement Adds New Computer-Science Test
From ACM TechNews

Advanced Placement Adds New Computer-Science Test

High school students will have another opportunity to earn college credit in computer science. The College Board's Advanced Placement Program plans to add a second...

Tech, Education Leaders Talk STEM Challenges
From ACM TechNews

Tech, Education Leaders Talk STEM Challenges

Although education and technology leaders support the Obama administration's efforts to open the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields to more...

Can You Feel Me Now?
From ACM Careers

Can You Feel Me Now?

An array that tracks motor vibrations through the skin may help engineers design wearable tactile displays that use the skin as a medium of communication.

Now Hear This: Navy Abandons All Caps
From ACM News

Now Hear This: Navy Abandons All Caps


'popcorn' Particle Pathways Promise Better Lithium-Ion Batteries
From ACM Careers

'popcorn' Particle Pathways Promise Better Lithium-Ion Batteries

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories have reported findings on a material that could lead to safer and longer-lasting lithium-ion batteries than those...

Detecting Peroxide-Based Explosives, but Not Toothpaste
From ACM Careers

Detecting Peroxide-Based Explosives, but Not Toothpaste

Sandia National Laboratories researchers want airports and checkpoints to detect homemade explosives made with hydrogen peroxide without nabbing people whose...

The Secret to a Video-Game Phenomenon
From ACM Careers

The Secret to a Video-Game Phenomenon

All video-game makers are minor gods.

From ACM Careers

Study Gauges Value of Technology in Schools

With school districts rushing to buy computers, tablets, digital white boards, and other technology, a new report questions whether the investment is worth it.

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most
From ACM Opinion

Why Google Is the Big Data Company That Matters Most

Every now and then, someone asks "Who’ll be the Google of big data?"

How Two Sound Geeks Created Facebook's Friendly 'ping' Tone
From ACM Careers

How Two Sound Geeks Created Facebook's Friendly 'ping' Tone

About two weeks ago, a question popped up on Quora asking: "How much research has gone into developing the Facebook 'ping' sound?"
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