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British Teenager Wins $100,000 U.S. Technology Fellowship
From ACM Careers

British Teenager Wins $100,000 U.S. Technology Fellowship

He's been handed $100,000 (£67,000) to go and live in San Francisco and work on his own tech idea.

Inside the Drone Economy
From ACM Careers

Inside the Drone Economy

Last month the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, the unmanned systems industry's largest trade organization, released its first economic study...

Company Will Id Source and Nature of Cyber Threats
From ACM Careers

Company Will Id Source and Nature of Cyber Threats

The University of Alabama at Birmingham has launched Malcovery, an intelligence company that uses patented forensic technology to identify the source and nature...

New Activities of the Federal Big Data Initiative
From ACM TechNews

New Activities of the Federal Big Data Initiative

The U.S. Federal Big Data Initiative, now in its second year, has launched several new activities with the goal of addressing the challenges and opportunities of...

An Expedition Into the Programmable City
From ACM TechNews

An Expedition Into the Programmable City

The European Union is funding SOFTCITY, a project that will study how software impacts daily life in cities. SOFTCITY researchers will examine how software underpins...

Researchers at Parc Give ­S a Glimpse of the Future
From ACM News

Researchers at Parc Give ­S a Glimpse of the Future

It was a high-tech speed-dating session, Silicon Valley-style: I would sit in the storied memorabilia-laden Room 2306 in the bowels of PARC, the former Xerox research...

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'
From ACM Opinion

Sal Khan: 'i Love Learning'

"If there was a Ph.D. in learning everything, I would do that," the always-enthusiastic Sal Khan '98, MEng '98 said in a talk Wednesday at MIT's Kresge Auditorium...

What Is the Syrian Electronic Army Trying to Accomplish, Anyway?
From ACM Opinion

What Is the Syrian Electronic Army Trying to Accomplish, Anyway?

In June 2011, just a few short months after protests first erupted in Syria, the country's president, Bashar Al-Assad, made a speech in which he thanked a group...

Silicon Valley Group's Political Effort Causes ­proar
From ACM Careers

Silicon Valley Group's Political Effort Causes ­proar

"Move fast and break things" has been the motto at Mark Zuckerberg's Facebook, embodying the Silicon Valley ethos of unapologetically finding new ways to solve...

China's Cyberspies Outwit Model For Bond's Q
From ACM News

China's Cyberspies Outwit Model For Bond's Q

Among defense contractors, QinetiQ North America is known for spy-world connections and an eye-popping product line.

What the Obama Campaign's Chief Data Scientist Is Up to Now
From ACM Careers

What the Obama Campaign's Chief Data Scientist Is Up to Now

By all accounts, Rayid Ghani's data work for President Obama's reelection campaign was brilliant and unprecedented.

­avs Considered For Campus Security Role
From ACM Careers

­avs Considered For Campus Security Role

With campus safety and security in mind, engineering students at The University of Alabama in Huntsville are working with the campus police department to perfect...

In Speed Test, Quantum Beats Conventional Computing
From ACM Careers

In Speed Test, Quantum Beats Conventional Computing

A quantum computer system is "thousands of times faster" than conventional computing in solving an important problem type, an Amherst College computer science...

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics
From ACM Opinion

Stephen Wolfram on Personal Analytics

Don't be surprised if Stephen Wolfram, the renowned complexity theorist, software company CEO, and night owl, wants to schedule a work call with you at 9 p.m. In...

Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite
From ACM Careers

Netflix, Reed Hastings Survive Missteps to Join Silicon Valley's Elite

On a normal weeknight, Netflix accounts for almost a third of all Internet traffic entering North American homes. That's more than YouTube, Hulu,, HBO...

Smartphones Put a Translator in Your Pocket
From ACM News

Smartphones Put a Translator in Your Pocket

The days of madly flipping through bilingual phrase books while trying to converse with somebody in another language is fast giving way to a technological alternative...

Adobe's Subscription Model and the Future of Software
From ACM Careers

Adobe's Subscription Model and the Future of Software

Those waiting to grab the next Adobe Creative Suite may be disappointed—there won't be anything for you to pick up.

Innovation Starvation
From ACM Opinion

Innovation Starvation

My lifespan encompasses the era when the United States of America was capable of launching human beings into space.

Superhero or Supervillain?
From ACM Opinion

Superhero or Supervillain?

From invisibility to superhuman strength to telekinesis, a wave of emerging technologies promise to give people powers once reserved for comic-book characters.

Uf Fully Connects to Internet2 Innovation Platform's Three Components
From ACM Careers

Uf Fully Connects to Internet2 Innovation Platform's Three Components

The University of Florida has fully connected to the Internet2 Innovation Platform's three components, an achievement that will transform research at UF and provide...
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