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Space Based Relay Study
From ACM Careers

Space Based Relay Study

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center's Exploration and Space Communications Division, is leading a study on behalf of the Space Communications and Navigation Program...

Can Your Boss Read Your Email?
From ACM Opinion

Can Your Boss Read Your Email?

Harvard faculty members responded with shock after the Boston Globe revealed that theuniversity’s administration had searched 16 faculty deans’ email accounts to...

On Facebook, App Makers Face a Treacherous Path
From ACM Careers

On Facebook, App Makers Face a Treacherous Path

Last spring, the future for Viddy, a video-sharing Facebook app, seemed as sunny as Southern California's skies.

Making Cloud Computing More Efficient
From ACM Careers

Making Cloud Computing More Efficient

For database-driven applications, new software could reduce hardware requirements by 95 percent while actually improving performance.

Navy Wants You to Write Algorithms That Automatically ID Threats
From ACM Careers

Navy Wants You to Write Algorithms That Automatically ID Threats

It remains the dream of military imagery analysts who stare at surveillance footage all day: sensors and cameras that alert their human masters to looming threats...

Working From Home: The End Of Productivity Or The Future Of Work?
From ACM CareerNews

Working From Home: The End Of Productivity Or The Future Of Work?

Yahoo's decision to ban telecommuting for its workers as of June generated controversy in the technology sector, where companies continue to debate whether working...

Researchers Developing 3-D Printer to Create Human Organs
From ACM Careers

Researchers Developing 3-D Printer to Create Human Organs

University of Iowa engineers are working on 3-D printing technology with a long-term goal of printing a human pancreas.

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding
From ACM Opinion

Why Private Companies Won't Make ­p For Cuts in Government Science Funding

The budget cuts that took effect last week could wipe out as much as $54 billion in federal funding of science, research, and innovation over the next five years...

The History of Hadoop: From 4 Nodes to the Future of Data
From ACM News

The History of Hadoop: From 4 Nodes to the Future of Data

Depending on how one defines its birth, Hadoop is now 10 years old. In that decade, Hadoop has gone from being the hopeful answer to Yahoo’s search-engine woes...

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future
From ACM Opinion

Lars Rasmussen: The Brains Behind Facebook's Future

For a man that made his career out of helping millions of people find their way around, Lars Rasmussen is frank about his own navigational shortcomings.

Computer Scientists Use Music to Lure Students to STEM Majors
From ACM Careers

Computer Scientists Use Music to Lure Students to STEM Majors

Making music is the main objective of students in Professor Jennifer Burg's computer science classes. But Burg's goal is to get them to understand the underlying...

MIT 'cheetah' Robot Rivals Running Animals in Efficiency
From ACM Careers

MIT 'cheetah' Robot Rivals Running Animals in Efficiency

MIT custom designed electric motors for the four-legged cheetah-bot robot to minimize energy waste and improve efficiency.

Sports Analytics: A Real Game-Changer
From ACM Careers

Sports Analytics: A Real Game-Changer

As 2,700 people settled into their seats on Friday morning at the MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, author Michael Lewis surveyed the scene from the dais and...

Groundbreaking Cyber Fast Track Research Program Ending
From ACM Careers

Groundbreaking Cyber Fast Track Research Program Ending

When Peiter Zatko, the security researcher and pioneering hacker known as Mudge, joined the federal government several years ago to help run a DARPA research program...

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers
From ACM News

Feds Crack Down on Mobile-Phone Spammers

The U.S Federal Trade Commission said today that it is cracking down on marketers that are allegedly bombarding consumers with hundreds of millions of unwanted on...

From ACM Careers

Computer Coding: It's Not Just For Boys

At 16, Isabelle Aleksander spends hours writing computer code and plans a career in engineering. Her latest passion is the Raspberry Pi, a low-cost, credit-card...

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace
From ACM News

Tracking Sensors Invade the Workplace

A few years ago when Bank of America Corp. wanted to study whether face time mattered among its call-center teams, the big bank asked about 90 workers to wear badges...

How Two Volunteers Built the Raspberry Pi’s Operating System
From ACM Careers

How Two Volunteers Built the Raspberry Pi’s Operating System

When you buy a Raspberry Pi, the $35 computer doesn't come with an operating system.

Disney Turns Away from Hand-Drawn Animation
From ACM Careers

Disney Turns Away from Hand-Drawn Animation

Disney, the Hollywood titan which brought the world classics such as Fantasia, Bambi, and Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, has admitted it has no current plans...

Sandia's New Fiber Optic Network Is World's Largest
From ACM Careers

Sandia's New Fiber Optic Network Is World's Largest

Sandia's fiber optical local area network pulls together 265 buildings and 13,000 computer network ports and will save an estimated $20 million over five years...
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