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How a Soccer Robot Led to a Mathematician's Non-Reversing Mirror
From ACM Careers

How a Soccer Robot Led to a Mathematician's Non-Reversing Mirror

When you look in a mirror, you see an image of yourself in reverse. But one odd mirror invented by mathematics professor R. Andrew Hicks at Drexel University shows...

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living
From ACM Careers

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living

Mobile apps have inspired a new class of entrepreneurs. Freelance app developers have turned cellphones and tablets into versatile tools, spawning a multibillion...

­.s. Bolsters National Push to Expand Computing Education
From ACM Careers

­.s. Bolsters National Push to Expand Computing Education

Through a five-year, $6.24 million grant from the National Science Foundation, the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Massachusetts Amherst will...

Nsf Grant to Improve Computer Science Education
From ACM Careers

Nsf Grant to Improve Computer Science Education

Building on its success in drawing more women and under-represented minority students to study computer science, UMass Amherst has won a $6.24 million grant from...

Demand for Software Engineers Keeps Climbing and So Do the Salaries
From ACM CareerNews

Demand for Software Engineers Keeps Climbing and So Do the Salaries

Skyrocketing demand is leading to higher salaries and improved career prospects for software engineers across the United States.

Supercomputer Simulations Studied to Improve Military and Sports Helmet Designs
From ACM Careers

Supercomputer Simulations Studied to Improve Military and Sports Helmet Designs

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories and the University of New Mexico are comparing supercomputer simulations of blast waves on the brain with clinical studies...

Want Better Employees? Get Somebody Else to Rate Their Personalities
From ACM Careers

Want Better Employees? Get Somebody Else to Rate Their Personalities

Businesses will get more accurate assessments of potential and current employees if they do away with self-rated personality tests and ask those being assessed...

Georgia Tech Releases Cyber Threats Forecast for 2013
From ACM Careers

Georgia Tech Releases Cyber Threats Forecast for 2013

The year ahead will feature new and increasingly sophisticated means to capture and exploit user data, escalating battles over the control of online information...

Driving Drones Can Be a Drag
From ACM Careers

Driving Drones Can Be a Drag

Study shows distractions may alleviate boredom and improve drone operators' performance.

Gates Foundation Awards $3 Million in Mooc Grants
From ACM Careers

Gates Foundation Awards $3 Million in Mooc Grants

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded 12 grants, totaling more than $3 million, in new investments in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

Byod: Embracing Technology in K-12 Schools
From ACM Careers

Byod: Embracing Technology in K-12 Schools

A growing number of schools are joining the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) movement to better integrate students' smartphones, tablets, and laptops into their classrooms...

Executives & Academics Partner to Advance STEM Education & Careers
From ACM TechNews

Executives & Academics Partner to Advance STEM Education & Careers

The Business-Higher Education Forum, a network of executives and college presidents, is focusing on programs to promote deeper learning and science, technology,...

Hacking Contest Seeks to Attract Women to Information Security
From ACM TechNews

Hacking Contest Seeks to Attract Women to Information Security

The Power of Community security conference in Seoul recently held the final round of a hacking contest called the Power of XX, a women-only skills competition intended...

The True State of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM Careers

The True State of Artificial Intelligence

Kevin Korb, from Monash University's Clayton School of Information Technology, will be discussing what stage artificial intelligence has reached in an upcoming...

Online Courses Put Pressure on Third-World ­niversities
From ACM Careers

Online Courses Put Pressure on Third-World ­niversities

How a teacher in El Salvador became an advocate of massive open online courses, and why hardly anyone listens to him yet.

Oak Ridge Claims No. 1 Position on Latest TOP500 List with Titan
From ACM Careers

Oak Ridge Claims No. 1 Position on Latest TOP500 List with Titan

Titan, a Cray XK7 system installed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is the world's fastest supercomputer, according to the 40th edition of the twice-yearly TOP500...

­.s. Businesses Operating in Social Media Denial
From ACM Careers

­.s. Businesses Operating in Social Media Denial

American businesses are operating in social media denial, with 72 percent of businesses not having a social media strategy. Many cite a lack of data tied to ROI...

The Workday After Tomorrow
From ACM Careers

The Workday After Tomorrow

What happens when business as usual is impossible?

With Millions Paid in Hacker Bug Bounties, Is the Internet Any Safer?
From ACM Careers

With Millions Paid in Hacker Bug Bounties, Is the Internet Any Safer?

The night before the end of Google's Pwnium contest at the CanSecWest security conference this year in Vancouver, a tall teen dressed in khaki shorts, tube socks...

Ten Signs It May Be Time to Quit Your Job
From ACM Careers

Ten Signs It May Be Time to Quit Your Job

There are ways to spot the warning signs that it may be time to quit your day job.
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