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Would You Recommend Your Kid Go Into IT?
From ACM CareerNews

Would You Recommend Your Kid Go Into IT?

Anyone considering a future career in IT should ask themself certain questions. What part of IT are you most interested in? And what type of career are you looking...

Six Job-Hunting Tricks For a Web 2.0 World
From ACM CareerNews

Six Job-Hunting Tricks For a Web 2.0 World

Approximately 53% of IT workers are actively or passively searching for a new job, according to a Computerworld survey. With employers advertising fewer open positions...

From ACM Careers

Wanted: Temp Attorneys With Foreign-Language Skills

Unemployed lawyers looking for work in a lousy job market might want to brush up on their Korean or Chinese.

College Degrees, Designed By the Numbers
From ACM TechNews

College Degrees, Designed By the Numbers

Colleges are starting to tap opportunities inherent in big data, using insights mined from information about students' performance to tailor courses and degrees...

Will Wright Wants to Make a Game Out of Life Itself
From ACM Opinion

Will Wright Wants to Make a Game Out of Life Itself

For almost 30 years, Will Wright’s creations have attracted people who would never have played videogames. He's also managed the trick of developing games that...

Printed Photonic Crystal Mirrors Shrink On-Chip Lasers
From ACM Careers

Printed Photonic Crystal Mirrors Shrink On-Chip Lasers

Electrical engineers at The University of Texas at Arlington and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have devised a new laser for on-chip optical connections...

Radiation Damage Bigger Problem in Microelectronics Than Previously Thought
From ACM Careers

Radiation Damage Bigger Problem in Microelectronics Than Previously Thought

The amount of damage that radiation causes in electronic materials may be at least 10 times greater than previously thought, according to findings based on a  new...

Got the Next Great Idea?
From ACM Careers

Got the Next Great Idea?

Everyone, it seems, has an app or a genius idea for one. Credit the lackluster job market plus facile tools and technology—no Ph.D. in programming required—for...

­.k. Seeks Software Writers with Cyber Security Challenge
From ACM Careers

­.k. Seeks Software Writers with Cyber Security Challenge

It will start as an online treasure hunt but later stages will involve lab-based challenges.

Would German-Style Apprenticeships Work in the ­.s.?
From ACM Careers

Would German-Style Apprenticeships Work in the ­.s.?

In a world of high youth unemployment, where the supply of skilled labor often fails to match employer demand, Germany believes help can be found in its Dual Vocational...

Ten Disaster Preparedness Questions to Ask Your Cloud Services Provider
From ACM Careers

Ten Disaster Preparedness Questions to Ask Your Cloud Services Provider

While the typical cloud contract contains uptime clauses and credits for missed service levels, it often fails to adequately protect the enterprise customer....

­niversity Lab Spin-Off Develops Inspection Robot
From ACM Careers

­niversity Lab Spin-Off Develops Inspection Robot

A Tennessee Technological University alumnus' company is building robots targeted to inspect and repair the industrial infrastructure. The robots are being tested...

Marissa Mayer Is in Over Her Head
From ACM Opinion

Marissa Mayer Is in Over Her Head

One evening in the spring of 1999, Marissa Mayer got a recruiting email from a tiny search company. "I was in a long-distance relationship at the time, so I was...

How to Encourage Women to Consider STEM Majors
From ACM TechNews

How to Encourage Women to Consider STEM Majors

AT&T Labs researcher Alicia Abella describes the challenges surrounding the inclusive nature of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields, and how...

Autonomous Robot Scans Ship Hulls For Mines
From ACM Careers

Autonomous Robot Scans Ship Hulls For Mines

Scientists have enabled MIT's HAUV robot to navigate and view propellers, complex structures, and underwater environments, with a goal of rivaling divers in speed...

Apple Granted 'the Mother of All Smartphone Software Patents'
From ACM News

Apple Granted 'the Mother of All Smartphone Software Patents'

Both sides of the smartphone wars agree that the 25 patents granted Apple on Tuesday contain some powerful legal weapons.

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?
From ACM Opinion

Can We Fix Computer Science Education in America?

The tech sector is set to grow faster than all but five industries by 2020. Out of those fields, half of which are related to healthcare, tech pays the best with...

Heartland H-1bs: Foreign Tech Workers Beyond Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

Heartland H-1bs: Foreign Tech Workers Beyond Silicon Valley

Despite the interconnectedness of the global economy, the economics of bringing skilled foreign workers to the U.S. remains very much local, according to a Brookings...

In-Q-Tel: The Cia's Tax-Funded Player In Silicon Valley
From ACM Careers

In-Q-Tel: The Cia's Tax-Funded Player In Silicon Valley

For more than a decade the CIA has run its own venture capital fund called In-Q-Tel. It was founded in the late 1990s when the CIA was drowning in data and didn't...

Super Send-Off for Sandia's Red Storm
From ACM Careers

Super Send-Off for Sandia's Red Storm

From helping destroy an errant satellite to aiding a foundering computer company, the Red Storm supercomputer was a forerunner machine without peer.
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