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On the Hunt for Tech Hires
From ACM CareerNews

On the Hunt for Tech Hires

Without the cachet of a Silicon Valley address or the allure of a hot technological innovation, Fortune 500 companies are experimenting with new tactics to convince...

The Six Hottest Tech Careers of 2012
From ACM CareerNews

The Six Hottest Tech Careers of 2012

The tech sector will create more than one million new IT positions in the United States by 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Demand remains...

Nanomaterials Could Help Thwart Nuclear Terrorism
From ACM Careers

Nanomaterials Could Help Thwart Nuclear Terrorism

Georgia Tech researchers have developed a prototype radiation-detection system that uses nanoscale rare-earth elements and other materials. The system could be...

Fla. ­niversity Writing New Computer Science Plan, Cites 'overwhelming' Backlash
From ACM TechNews

Fla. ­niversity Writing New Computer Science Plan, Cites 'overwhelming' Backlash

The University of Florida's recent plan to cut $1.7 million from the Computer and Information Science and Engineering department has been put on hold after students...

'pivoting' Pays Off For Tech Entrepreneurs
From ACM Careers

'pivoting' Pays Off For Tech Entrepreneurs

Technology entrepreneurs of past eras took two years to build a product, hire a staff and figure out whether there was any real market for their service.

Researchers Develop New Method to Measure IT Quality
From ACM Careers

Researchers Develop New Method to Measure IT Quality

Researchers at the University at Buffalo School of Management have proposed a better way of measuring the capabilities of IT service providers in a study recently...

Startup Companies Keep U.S. Competitive
From ACM Careers

Startup Companies Keep U.S. Competitive

Six technology and entrepreneurial associations are joining forces to educate Congress on what they say is the secret to a thriving U.S. economy — innovation.

How Nvidia Can Accelerate the Graphics in Your Apps
From ACM Careers

How Nvidia Can Accelerate the Graphics in Your Apps

If you want to create some pretty apps, look to Nvidia.

Synchrotron Experiment Brings Together Scientists and Leading-Edge Infrastructure
From ACM Careers

Synchrotron Experiment Brings Together Scientists and Leading-Edge Infrastructure

Use of advanced Internet technology to bring scientists and leading-edge research infrastructure together half a world apart was recently demonstrated between...

Firms Try to Turn 'black-Ops It' Into Products
From ACM Careers

Firms Try to Turn 'black-Ops It' Into Products

Since the early days of Silicon Valley, rogue engineers and software developers have engaged in "black-ops IT," a tradition of sneaking new technology into their...

Dean of Libraries' Final Chapter at CM­
From ACM Careers

Dean of Libraries' Final Chapter at CM­

Since 1999, Gloriana St. Clair, Carnegie Mellon's dean of University Libraries, has been working alongside colleagues in the School of Computer Science to digitize...

Why Engineering, Science Gender Gap Persists
From ACM Careers

Why Engineering, Science Gender Gap Persists

Shree Bose, who won the grand prize at this year's Google Global Science Fair, credits her love of science to her big brother, Pinaki.

The Rise of the 'brogrammer'
From ACM Careers

The Rise of the 'brogrammer'

Danilo Stern-Sapad writes code for a living, but don't call him a geek.

Big Data's Big Problem: Little Talent
From ACM Careers

Big Data's Big Problem: Little Talent

The technology industry is in love with "Big Data," but there is a problem. There is a shortage of people with deep expertise in statistics and machine learning...

Mitx: What the Students Think
From ACM Careers

Mitx: What the Students Think

An international virtual community is growing up around 6.002x, or "Circuits and Electronics," the initial course offering of MIT's online educational initiative...

World's Largest Digital Camera Project Passes Critical Milestone
From ACM Careers

World's Largest Digital Camera Project Passes Critical Milestone

A 3.2 billion-pixel digital camera designed by the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory has received critical approval from the U.S. Department of Energy, and...

What Makes Valve Software the Best Office Ever?
From ACM Careers

What Makes Valve Software the Best Office Ever?

Valve Software is good at three things: developing first-person shooter games, such as Half-Life and Counter-Strike, digitally distributing its games on its 35...

CS Enrollments on the Rise, Up 10% in 2011-12
From ACM Careers

CS Enrollments on the Rise, Up 10% in 2011-12

Interest in computer science continues to grow among undergraduates, according to a Computing Research Association survey. The number of students pursuing computer...

A Researcher and a Robot Walk Into a Bar . . .
From ACM TechNews

A Researcher and a Robot Walk Into a Bar . . .

Carnegie Mellon University social robotics graduate student Heather Knight has helped develop Data, a stand-up-comedy-performing robot that can read, replicate,...

The Search for a Job Begins and Ends With You
From ACM Careers

The Search for a Job Begins and Ends With You

A new study shows that having a more positive, motivational outlook had a beneficial effect on job pursuit. More important is the job seeker's ability to stay energized...
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