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Road Safety Agency Is ­rged to Add Expertise in Electronics Systems

A branch of the National Academy of Sciences reported Wednesday that federal safety regulators lack the expertise to monitor vehicles with increasingly sophisticated...

From ACM Careers

Kidsruby 1.0 Released

So, you have a son or daughter who is showing some interest in computer programming, but you're not really sure where to start.

­.s. Loses High-Tech Jobs as R&d Shifts Toward Asia
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Loses High-Tech Jobs as R&d Shifts Toward Asia

The U.S. is losing high-tech jobs as American companies expand their research and development (R&D) labs in Asia, according to the U.S. National Science Board....

Class of 2011 Scores Higher-Paying Jobs
From ACM TechNews

Class of 2011 Scores Higher-Paying Jobs

Engineering students secured the highest-paying jobs among 2011 graduates, according to a new survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers.  

From ACM Careers

In Tech, Starting ­p By Failing

Every entrepreneur hopes to start the next big thing. But sometimes the first try doesn’t go as planned.

From ACM Careers

Jerry Yang Leaves Yahoo and a Cautionary Tale Behind

It had to be hard for Jerry Yang to walk away from Yahoo on Tuesday. You know it had to be hard or he would have walked away years ago—which is exactly what many...

From ACM Careers

Twitter ­sage at Work Jumped 700% Last Year, Study Says

Working hard or hardly working? Managers may find themselves asking that question after examining the results of a study that found massive increases in employees'...

Duo on a Mission to Make Computer Education More Fun
From ACM Careers

Duo on a Mission to Make Computer Education More Fun

A curriculum developed by Rupesh Shah and Sridhar Iyer and designed to make computer literacy training fun is now used by 78 schools across India.

U.S. Lost Quarter of its High-Tech Jobs in Past Decade
From ACM Careers

U.S. Lost Quarter of its High-Tech Jobs in Past Decade

A National Science Board study released Tuesday (January 17) says the United States shed 687,000 high-tech manufacturing jobs since reaching a peak of 2.5 million...

From ACM Careers

Nyc to Open Its First Software Engineering High School

New York City is taking another step toward becoming Silicon Alley—the East Coast’s own tech hub—with the grand opening of the city's first software engineering...

From ACM News

Making It in America

In the past decade, the flow of goods emerging from U.S. factories has risen by about a third. Factory employment has fallen by roughly the same fraction.

Online Environment to Help Vehicle Designers Collaborate
From ACM Careers

Online Environment to Help Vehicle Designers Collaborate

The Georgia Tech Research Institute has received a $1.5 million contract from DARPA to produce an online environment that would let multiple design teams work together...

China Trains Tech-Savvy Servicemen
From ACM Careers

China Trains Tech-Savvy Servicemen

China's People's Liberation Army is using an Intranet training system that allows soldiers to keep up with their studies while in the service.

From ACM Opinion

The Rise of the New Groupthink

Solitude is out of fashion. Our companies, our schools and our culture are in thrall to an idea I call the New Groupthink, which holds that creativity and achievement...

Surgical Robots to Provide Open-Source Platform For Medical Robotics Research
From ACM Careers

Surgical Robots to Provide Open-Source Platform For Medical Robotics Research

Seven identical robots created and built at the UW will be flown to campuses across the country, where they will provide the first common research platform to develop...

Lecturetools Makes Personal Connections in Large Lecture Halls
From ACM Careers

Lecturetools Makes Personal Connections in Large Lecture Halls

A University of Michigan educational technology aims to make large lecture classes feel smaller and more interactive.

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education
From ACM Careers

What Hacker Apprenticeships Tell ­S About the Future of Education

Three very similar compressed software development training programs have emerged in the past few months: Code Academy (not to be confused with the startup Codecademy)...

Happy Birthday, John Lasseter!
From ACM Careers

Happy Birthday, John Lasseter!

It's a good bet that a lot of kids who can’t get enough cartoons dream about someday getting a job making them.

Record 29 Bay Area High School Students Are Intel Semifinalists
From ACM Careers

Record 29 Bay Area High School Students Are Intel Semifinalists

Bay Area high school seniors snagged an astounding 29 spots among the 2012 Intel Science Talent Search semifinalists, it was announced Wednesday.

School Ict to Be Replaced By Computer Science Program
From ACM TechNews

School Ict to Be Replaced By Computer Science Program

England education secretary Michael Gove announced that the current program of information and communications technology will be replaced next September by an open...
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