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Fla. ­niversity Writing New Computer Science Plan, Cites 'overwhelming' Backlash
From ACM TechNews

Fla. ­niversity Writing New Computer Science Plan, Cites 'overwhelming' Backlash

The University of Florida's recent plan to cut $1.7 million from the Computer and Information Science and Engineering department has been put on hold after students...

CS Enrollments on the Rise, Up 10% in 2011-12
From ACM Careers

CS Enrollments on the Rise, Up 10% in 2011-12

Interest in computer science continues to grow among undergraduates, according to a Computing Research Association survey. The number of students pursuing computer...

Talent Pool Can't Meet Skyrocketing Demand For Cloud Skills
From ACM CareerNews

Talent Pool Can't Meet Skyrocketing Demand For Cloud Skills

Cloud computing is now one of the hottest hiring areas in the tech industry labor market. The number of jobs in the cloud computing industry is growing so rapidly...

It Skills Gap Forces Cios to Get Creative
From ACM Careers

It Skills Gap Forces Cios to Get Creative

As it becomes more and more difficult for CIOs to find workers well-versed in ever-changing technologies, some are breaking down specialization among their staffs...

Brain Drain: Where Cobol Systems Go From Here
From ACM TechNews

Brain Drain: Where Cobol Systems Go From Here

A recent Computerworld survey of 357 IT professionals found that 46 percent of respondents are noticing a shortage of Cobol programmers, and 50 percent said the...

Stress and Burnout Common in Info Security Field
From ACM Careers

Stress and Burnout Common in Info Security Field

IT security professionals are experiencing extreme levels of stress and burnout, but they have few places to turn for help.

From ACM Careers

Fbi Seeks Social Media Monitoring Tool

The goal is to use the tool to keep on top of breaking events, incidents and emerging threats, the agency said in a recent Request for Information from IT vendors...

Apps-Related Jobs Tallied at 466k in ­.s.
From ACM Careers

Apps-Related Jobs Tallied at 466k in ­.s.

Nearly half a million jobs in the United States have been created because of the 1 million-plus applications designed for smartphones, tablets and other mobile...

H-1b Workers Are Better Paid, More Educated, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

H-1b Workers Are Better Paid, More Educated, Study Finds

The average annual earnings of H-1B workers are about 10 percent higher than the average annual earnings of U.S. workers, after adjustments for age, occupation...

Google's Marissa Mayer Says More Women Needed in Tech
From ACM TechNews

Google's Marissa Mayer Says More Women Needed in Tech

Despite recent advances by women in high-tech fields, there is still much room for growth, according to a group of female tech executives speaking at the recent...

Does Free Software Cost Jobs?
From ACM Careers

Does Free Software Cost Jobs?

Open Source companies' mantra to education is 'reduce overheads, reduce support, save money, do more for less.' Trouble is this approach has not created a single...

Building It Talent From the Ground ­p
From ACM Careers

Building It Talent From the Ground ­p

Interest in technology, particularly consumer technology, is at an all-time-high among teenagers in Hong Kong. But that passion isn't encouraging students to pursue...

Looking for Work? Job Fair Touts Tech Openings in India
From ACM Careers

Looking for Work? Job Fair Touts Tech Openings in India

Indian companies, as well as American firms operating in India, are trying to lure India workers in the U.S. on a visa with promises of professional and economic...

From ACM Careers

Hire a Vet? It Says Yes

When President Obama challenged the private sector this past August to hire 100,000 unemployed veterans by the end of 2013, he shared the stage with companies...

From ACM Careers

7 Key Skills New It Grads Are Lacking

Greg Taffet is scouting for talent. Taffet, the CIO of U.S. Gas & Electric Inc. in North Miami Beach, Fla., brought on four new staffers in the past six months...

From ACM Careers

9 Hot It Skills For 2012

Slowly but surely, many U.S. companies are loosening their viselike grips on IT hiring and looking to add new staffers to bolster business growth in the year...

Age Bias in It: The Reality Behind the Rumors
From ACM Careers

Age Bias in It: The Reality Behind the Rumors

Most high-tech employers would likely deny that age discrimination is an issue at their company. But many IT workers over 50 beg to differ, saying they have experienced...

Healthcare Industry Leads Market in IT Hiring
From ACM CareerNews

Healthcare Industry Leads Market in IT Hiring

As a result of increased federal spending on healthcare and new federal regulations, the healthcare industry is at the forefront of creating new IT jobs. The U.S...

How ­niversities Will Produce the Next Generation of Ict Stars
From ACM Careers

How ­niversities Will Produce the Next Generation of Ict Stars

The dot-com bust of the early 2000s had a devastating effect on the number of students enrolling in college ICT programs. It has taken almost a decade to recover...

Fears Rise in It Circles Over New Economic Downturn
From ACM Careers

Fears Rise in It Circles Over New Economic Downturn

After months of gains, there are new worries that the U.S. economic recovery is in trouble. "There is a palpable sense of a slowdown or less of a recovery over...
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