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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letter to the editor: criticisms of ALGOL 60

An algorithm for equivalence declarations

Many algebraic translators provide the programmer with a limited ability to allocate storage. Of course one of the most desirable features of these translators is the extent to which they remove the burden of storage allocation …

Divisionless method of integer conversion

An iterative method for inversion of power series

A further note on approximating ex

Algorithm 61: procedures for range arithmetic

Algorithm 62: a set of associative Legendre polynomials of the second kind

Algorithm 65: find

Algorithm 64: Quicksort

Algorithm 63: partition

Algorithm 67: CRAM

Remark on algorithm 53: Nth roots of a complex number

Algorithm 66: Invrs

Glossaries for computing and data processing

At the present time, there is considerable interest and activity in the preparation of a comprehensive glossary of computing and data processing terms. This interest is generated by members of the various national and international …

An experimental computer program for hypothesis selection

An algorithm for finding the characterization of a class of objects on the basis of a randomly ordered sequence of labeled individual objects—some members of the class, some not—is described. The class is characterized as a disjunction …

Manned simulation research in complex control systems

Two purposes guide the studies currently in progress in the RAND Logistics Systems Laboratory: one is to aid the Air Force in a substantive management or control problem, such as operations-support control of the ICBM force,  …

A class of search-models for machine retrieval

Theory of files