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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letter from the president of ACM—


More about the Siemens 2002

In defense of artificial intelligence research

Definition of software

ACM 61 acknowledgements

Discussion—the pros and cons of a special IR language: pro a special IR language

Discussion—the pros and cons of a special IR language: comments

Discussion—the pros and cons of a special IR language: comments

Information structures for processing and retrieving

An information system with the ability to extract intelligence from data

COMIT as an IR language

Language problems posed by heavily structured data

Use of semantic structure in information systems

A survey of languages and systems for information retrieval

Alorithm 74: Curve fitting with constraints

Algorithm 76: Sorting procedures

Algorithm 75: Factors

Certification of Algorithm 30: Numerical solution of the polynomial equation

Certification of Algorithm 66: INVRS

Certification of Algorithm 50: Inverse of a finite segment of the Hilbert matrix

A string language for symbol manipulation based on ALGOL 60

Real-time simulation of mapping radar

Real-time, time-shared computer project

Theory of mechanical languages

Simulation and analysis of biochemical systems: II. solution of differential equations

Translation of retrieval requests couched in a “semiformal” English-like language