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Communications of the ACM

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Printer plotting not new

Page turning in multiprogrammed computers

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It is unfortunate that almost all of the presently used algebraic languages do not provide the capability of linear algebra. Operations such as the inner product of vectors, the product of two matrices, and the multiplication …

Machine graphing

Accuracy and precision with a character-addressable machine

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A missing factor in medical case history?

Mechanical pragmatics: a time-motion study of a miniature mechanical linguistic system: a set of examples presented to ASA X3-4 subcommittee

Compiling matrix operations

It is unfortunate that almost all of the presently used algebraic languages do not provide the capability of linear algebra. Operations such as the inner product of vectors, the product of two matrices, and the multiplication …

Evaluation of polynomials by computer

A decision matrix as the basis for a simple data input routine

Currently a great deal of time and effort is being spent on the development of bigger and better compiler languages, multiprogram executive systems, etc. Since the implementation of of new methods and procedures is not instantaneous …

Fixed-word-length arrays in variable-word-length computers

Scientific users of small-scale variable-word-length computers, such as the IBM 1401, may frequently have the occasion to use fixed-word-length arrays. For instance, it is common practice to store matrices row-wise in linear  …

Character manipulation in 1620 FORTRAN II

The suggested method of manipulating alphabetic characters in FORTRAN which appeared in this section of the August, 1962, issue of the Communications of the ACM has been incorporated into the IBM 1620 FORTRAN II system.

Algorithm 142: Triangular regression

Algorithm 145: Adaptive numerical integration by Simpson's rule

Algorithm 146: Multiple integration

Algorithm 143: Treesort 1

Algorithm 144: Treesort 2:

Algorithm 147: PSIF

Algorithm 148: Term of magic square

ACM Algorithm 149: Complete Elliptic Integral

Certification of Algorithm 31: Gamma function

Certification of Algorithm 118: Magic square (odd order)

Certification of Algorithm 112: Position of point relative to polygon

Certification of Algorithm 94: Combination

Certification of Algorithm 115: Perm

Remark on Algorithm 133: Random

Remark on Algorithm 58: Matrix inversion

Legal implications of computer use

This paper points out a variety of ways computer systems used in business and industry can be involved in legal entanglements and suggests that computer specialists have a responsibility to call for assistance in forestalling …

Multiple shooting method for two-point boundary value problems

The common techniques for solving two-point boundary value problems can be classified as either "shooting" or "finite difference" methods. Central to a shooting method is the ability to integrate the differential equations …

New Products: IBM 1440 data processing system features five new units

A subjective viewpoint— the use of digital computers in Western Germany

The first computers operating in post-war Germany had been constructed within Germany. These were developed at the Max Plank Institute in Göttingen, with two additional university machines under construction at Darmstadt and  …