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Communications of the ACM

Communications of the ACM

Person-matching by electronic methods

Record linkage in the updating of files is accomplished in many establishments through the use of a preassigned number, such as payroll number, customer number, or social security number. In vital and health records, however, a unique number is generally not preassigned to an individual for purposes of reporting services received to the health department. In order to determine whether different physician reports refer to the same individual, name and other identification must be compared. This is a laborious operation which is subject to various errors because of name misspellings, changes of name upon marriage, and other problems. We are interested in the maintenance of a psychiatric case register in Maryland, where many of the reports from over a hundred psychiatric agencies refer to the same patient. These records must be linked in order to provide unduplicated counts of individuals under care and longitudinal records of psychiatric history. An earlier paper [1] describes our general procedures for register maintenance by use of a digital computer (Honeywell 800). Here we present in more detail our initial procedures for the person-matching process in order to elicit comments and suggestions from persons who have had experience in matching.

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