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Communications of the ACM

An ACM state-of-the-art paper

Growing applications of linear programming

Use of linear programming models has grown so extensively in recent years that the whole concept for organizing a computer code has undergone a radical change. It no longer is adequate merely to reduce a mathematical algorithm (i.e. the simplex method) to a computer code. An advanced code must cope with such a variety of situations that the respective computer subprograms must be organized into an integrated system.Emphasis in this paper is devoted to the underlying principles upon which future linear programming systems must be based. These viewpoints are influenced by the new demands that applications within the petroleum industry are placing on such systems. Some of the components of such a system are: translation of problem statement in terms of basic data to linear programming matrix coefficients, data transmission for direct computer entry, data file at the computer center, data processing and editing prior to solving the simplex algorithm, an efficient and reliable code for solving the above-mentioned algorithm, and flexible means for summarizing the results.

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