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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

A compiler-building system developed by Brooker and Morris: including a comprehensive discussion of the major features of the system

In a number of articles published during the past two years, R. A. Brooker and D. Morris (joined by J. S. Rohl in their most recent paper) have presented a very interesting programming system that they have developed for theThe …

Programming analysis of variance by sequences of operators and isomorphic mappings

A special operator calculus developed by Hartley in 1956 together with a new mapping scheme has been found to be efficient in programming analysis of variance for multifactor experiments. The operator calculus and the mapping …

An automatic loader for subroutine nests

A method for automatic loading of library subroutines, which can be adapted to operate in conjunction with any conventional two-pass assembler is described. The method is specifically designed to cope with a nested library structure …

Algorithm 235: Random permutation

Algorithm 234: Poisson-Charlier polynomials

Remark on algorithm 60: Romberg integration

Reduction of a matrix containing polynomial elements

Remark on algorithm 135: Crout with equilibration and iteration

Certification on algorithm 128: Summation of Fourier series

Remark on further generalization of ALGOL

The generalized ALGOL described by Nilalus Wirth [1] is in my opinion a major step forward toward the “next” programming language. In this remark I intend to introduce further generalizations which will make the language still …

Editor's note: A successor to ALGOL?

Characteristics of the FORTRAN CEP language

The FORTRAN CEP languages differs from FORTRAN II mainly because: (1) it extends the variety of the modes for real quantities; (2) it allows suitable mixtures, in an input/output list or in an expression, of quantities that occur …

Comments on the ALCOR group represenatation of of ALGOL symbols

Remark on Gladwin's integer conversion


An automated data system analysis technique is described. The technique is designed to alleviate some of the principal problems that beset current analysis—large data workloads, long span of time between project inception and …

Papers presented at the third annual symposium of the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of ACM

Experimental personalized array translator system

A system designed for intimate man-machine interaction in a general-purpose problem-solving environment is experimentally operational. The system utilizes an array-oriented symbolic source language containing powerful statement …

Theoretical considerations in information retrieval systems

A method for automatic loading of library subroutines, which can be adapted to operate in conjunction with any conventional two-pass assembler is described. The method is specifically designed to cope with a nested library structure …

A note on starting the Newton-Raphson method

Determination of a suitable initial estimate for a root of an equation ƒ(x) = 0 by means of computing the roots of a sequence of related equations is described.

Techniques for the simulation of computer logic

A special operator calculus developed by Hartley in 1956 together with a new mapping scheme has been found to be efficient in programming analysis of variance for multifactor experiments. The operator calculus and the mapping …

Reply to comments by P.A. Samet and P.J. Taylor

Talk—a high-level source language debugging technique with real-time data extraction: 26

TALK, meaning Take A LooK, is a debugging technique which aids substantially in debugging complex real-time programming systems by interrupting the users program at desired points to extract previously specified data. The extracted …