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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

President's letter to the ACM membership

Letters to the editor: On simple, low redundancy languages

Letters to the editor: On combining FORTRAN and COBOL in problem solving

Letters to the editor: on procedures for constructing structural descriptions for three parsing algorithms

Establishment of the ACM repository and principles of the IR system applied to its operation

Algorithm 263: Gomory 1 [H]

Algorithm 264: interpolation in a table [E1]

Algorithm 265: find precedence functions [L2]

Algorithm 266: pseudo-random numbers [G5]

Algorithm 267: random normal deviate [G5]

An ALGOL-like computer design language

Note on an ASCII-Octal code table

Recursive solution of a class of combinatorial problems: an example

A program to solve the Pentomino problem by the recursive use of macros

A fast storage allocator

A note on the use of a digital computer for doing tedious algebra and programmming

Contextual correlates of synonymy

A simple data transmission system using the office telephone

Letters to the editor: yet more on rounding in commericial applications