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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

High speed compilation of efficient object code

A three-pass compiler with the following properties is briefly described: The last two passes scan an intermediate language produced by the preceding pass in essentially the reverse of the order in which it was generated, so  …

Algorithms: Algorithm 259: Legendre Functions for arguments larger than one

Algorithm 259: Legendre functions for arguments larger than one.

Algorithm 261: 9-J symbols

Algorith 260: 6-J symbols

Algorithm 263: Partition generator

Algorithm 262: Number of restricted partitions of N

Algorithm 264: Map of partitions into integers

Symbolic derivatives without list processing, subroutines, or recursion

A routine has been developed which computes and prints out the symbolic derivative of an absolutely continuous elementary function of one or several variables. No use is made of list processing languages. The chain rule is applied …

Some techniques used in the ALCOR ILLINOIS 7090

An ALGOL compiler has been written by the ALCOR group for the IBM 7090. Some little known but significant techniques in compiler writing, together with organizational details of this compiler, are described. Timing estimates  …

Some experiments in algebraic manipulation by computer

A set of subroutines to allow algebraic manipulations on the IBM 7094 computer has been written using a List Processor, SLIP. A series of four problems of increasing difficulty were solved using these routines.

Dynamic format specifications

The use and implementation of two new FORTRAN format conversions are discussed. These format types give the FORTRAN programmer control of input/output specifications at execution time.

Nonlinear extrapolation and two-point boundary value problems

It is suggested that the convergence properties of the usual Picard successive approximation scheme may be improved through use of nonlinear extrapolation techniques. A numerical example is provided.

A note on storage of strings

A method for storing strings is described which uses blocks of indefinite size, and is therefore completely dynamic. Its relation to similar schemes is discussed.

File-handling within FORTRAN

This note describes some FORTRAN subroutines to facilitate handling of tape files. They allow symbolic naming or information files, without violating the casual scientific programmer's idea of simplicity. Some comments on two …

Negative and zero subscripts in Fortran II programming for the IBM 1620

The requirement that subscripts be unsigned integers creates some inconvenience in FORTRAN programming for summarization of completed questionnaires in which the responses may be scaled beginning at zero.

Simulation of computer logic by Fortran arithmetic

During the preliminary logical design of the NEBULA computer for the Oregon State University Department of Mathematics, it was decided to simulate the logic equations on one of the computers available on campus. Thus most of  …

Remarks on simulation of Boolean functions

Recently M. Morris Mano presented a method for performing Boolean OR, AND and NOT operations by means of arithmetic and conditional transfer operations in a decimal computer lacking builtin logical instructions [1]. When A, B …

The self-judgment method of curve fitting

A computer-oriented method for processing and communicating numerical data is described. The Instrument Reliability Factors (IRF), which exactly define the limits of reliability of each measured item of information, are used  …