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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Data filtering applied to information storage and retrieval applications

Manipulation of data strings is the most complex processing function in information storage and retrieval applications. Data string manipulation is discussed within the context of an interpretive processing environment controlled …

Syntax macros and extended translation

A translation approach is described which allows one to extend the syntax and semantics of a given high-level base language by the use of a new formalism called a syntax-macro. Syntax-macros define string transformations based …

Algorithm 292: regular Coulomb wave functions

Remark on algorithm 286: examination scheduling

Certification of algorithm 257: Havie integrator

Conversion of decision tables to computer programs by rule mask techniques

The rule mask technique is one method of converting limited entry decision tables to computer programs. Recent discussion suggests that in many circumstances it is to be preferred to the technique of constructing networks or  …

Techniques for automatic tolerance control in linear programming

In this technical note, the numerical steps for the simplex method of linear programming are reviewed and the tolerances needed in the numerical procedure are defined. Objective criteria are given for accomplishing the numerical …

Automatic integration of a function with a parameter

Two efficient methods for automatic numerical integration are Romberg integration and adaptive Simpson integration. For integrands of the form ƒ(x)g(x, &agr;) where &agr; is a parameter, it is shown that Romberg's method is more efficient …

Automatic error bounds on real zeros of rational functions

A procedure for implementing an interval arithmetic version of the Newton-Raphson method is proposed. The procedure requires only a starting interval over which the zeros of a given rational function are to be located. The method …

The augmented predictive analyzer for context-free languages—its relative efficiency

It has been proven by Greibach that for a given context-free grammar G, a standard-form grammar Gs, can be constructed, which generates the same language as is generated by G and whose rules are all of the form ZcY1 ··· …