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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM has a crisis of identity?

Covering the computer field

During the past year, the Communications has printed approximately twenty papers in each of three main areas: programming language development, compiler management and construction, and numerical methods. In addition, about twenty …

A university's educational program in computer science

After a review of the power of contemporary computers, computer science is defined in several ways. The objectives of computer science education are stated, and it is asserted that in a North American university these will be …

System performance evaluation: survey and appraisal

The state of the art of system performance evaluation is reviewed and evaluation goals and problems are examined. Throughput, turnaround, and availability are defined as fundamental measures of performance; overhead and CPU speed …

A code for non-numeric information processing applications in online systems

A code has been specifically designed to simplify the internal information processing operations within an online computer system with respect to non-numeric applications, and to maximize the transfer rate of the information  …

Letters to the editor: An interpretive input routine for linear programming

In this descriptive article an input code is presented which greatly simplifies data input to any linear programming solution routine, for subsequent use either as a predagogical device or for solving rather small LP problems …

A unifying computational method for the analysis of complete factorial experiments

A computational method which may be used for the calculation of sums of squares in the analysis of variance of complete factorial experiments and in the computation of main effect or interaction means is described. The method …

Data directed input-output in FORTRAN

A statement which is similar to the NAMELIST statement of FORTRAN IV has been incorporated in the FORTRAN 63 compiler. The FORTRAN 63 implementation allows a greater flexibility and simplicity than the FORTRAN IV feature. The …

Uniform random

A note on computing approximations to the exponential function

Two methods are discussed which result in near minimax rational approximations to the exponential function and at the same time retain the desirable property that the approximation for negative values of the argument is the reciprocal …

On the computation of least squares polynomials

Rounding error accumulated during digital computation of a least squares polynomial makes the computed polynomial only an approximation to the true least squares polynomial. A simple method for adjusting the constant term of  …

An improvement to iterative methods of polynomial factorization

Methods of polynomial factorization which find the zeros one at a time require the division of the polynomial by the accepted factor. It is shown how the accuracy of this division may be increased by dividing in order of both …

Computers and the copyright law: a commentary

Computers, communications, and the FCC

WATFOR—The University of Waterloo FORTRAN IV compiler

WATFOR is an in-core, load-and-go compiler which has been implemented within the IBM 7040/44 operating system. FORTRAN IV was selected as the source language in order to achieve maximum language compatibility with other available …

DITRAN—a compiler emphasizing diagnostics

DITRAN DIagnostic FORTRAN) is an implementation of ASA Basic FORTRAN with rather extensive error checking capabilities both at compilation time and during execution of a program. The need for improved diagnostic capabilities  …