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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Improvements based on computed errors

A rational approximation optimal by Moursund's criterion

M in Z: a game for man-machine studies

Remark on Langdon's algorithm

Character coding for information processing interchange

An experimental model of system/360

The problem of predicting the performance of modern computer systems is formidable. One general technique which can ease this problem is macroscopic simulation. This paper reports on the applicability of that technique to System …

Methods for analyzing data from computer simulation experiments

This paper addresses itself to the problem of analyzing data generated by computer simulations of economic systems. We first turn to a hypothetical firm, whose operation is represented by a single-channel, multistation queueing …

Automatic data compression

The “information explosion” noted in recent years makes it essential that storage requirements for all information be kept to a minimum. A fully automatic and rapid three-part compressor which can be used with &ldquoany” body …

A computer system for inference execution and data retrieval

This paper presents a RAND project concerned with the use of computers as assistants in the logical analysis of large collections of factual data. A system called the Relational Data File was developed for this purpose. The Relational …

On the expected gain from adjusting matched term retrieval systems

A file adjustment procedure based on maximizing the Bayes expected gain is proposed for matched term retrieval systems. The expected gain and its probability distribution are derived as a function of: (1) the prior proportion …

Algorithm 314: Finding a solution of N functional equations in N unknowns

Algorithm 315: The damped Taylor's series method for minimizing a sum of squares and for solving systems of nonlinear equations

Algorithm 316: Solution of simultaneous non-linear equations

Algorithm 317: Permutation

Service bureaus versus Banks

GEORGE 3—A general purpose time sharing and operating system

An Operating System is described which will run on a wide variety of configurations of the I.C.T. 1900, and can handle a large number of online console users while at the same time running several offline (background) jobs. The …