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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Letters to the editor: on improving the quality of our technical meetings

Letters to the editor: The go to statement reconsidered

Letters to the editor: correction's to Stone's compiler procedures

Operating Systems: On overcoming high-priority paralysis in multiprogramming systems: a case history

High-priority paralysis is the degradation that can occur in multiprogramming systems when scheduling is based primarily on preassigned priorities. It can be alleviated by modifying the scheduling algorithm to maximize the number …

Information Retrieval: Recovery of disk contents after system failure

A method is discussed by which, after a system malfunction, the contents of disk files can be restored to their status at the time of the failure.

When your computer needs a lawyer

Possible liability for negligence, for other torts (such as slander of credit) and for liability under theories of express or implied warranty (guarantees) are discussed, and legal complications are explained, so that users, …

A modification of Efroymson's technique for stepwise regression analysis

The computational technique conventionally used for stepwise multiple linear regression requires the storage of an n × n matrix of data. When the number of variables, n, is large, this requirement taxes the storage capacity of …

A note on the efficiency of a LISP computation in a paged machine

The problem of the use of two levels of storage for programs is explored in the context of a LISP system which uses core memory as a buffer for a large virtual memory stored on a drum. Details of timing are given for one particular …

Programming Languages: Generation of positive test matrices with known positive spectra

Sufficient conditions are given for a real matrix to be similar to a positive matrix. This result is used to construct a similarity transformation which, when applied to a particular upper triangular matrix, yields a positive …

Algorithms: Algorithm 335: a set of basic input-output procedures

By means of the primitives insymbol, outsymbol and length, as requested by this journal's Algorithms Policy [Comm. ACM 10 (Nov. 67), 729] a basic set of input-output procedures is defined aiming at quality and flexibility. outreal …

Algorithms: Remark on algorithm 217: minimum excess cost curve

Standards: Accommodating standards and identification of programming languages

The user public wants standardization and reliable identification of programming languages and related services. One way of achieving these goals is illustrated by the methods adopted for TRAC T-64 interactive language, and its …

Commentary on Mr. Mooers' paper

Programming Techniques: ASP—a ring implemented associative structure package

ASP is a general purpose Associative Data Structure Package in which an arbitrary number of data items and an arbitrary number of the relationships between these data items may be represented. A special picture language is described …

CHAMP—character manipulation procedures

A new programming language facility for symbol manipulation is described. String procedures may be declared and called in a standard ALGOL context. ALGOL procedures can in turn be called by string procedures so that numeric and …