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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM president's letter: the roles of ACM IV. ACM and its members: relevancy and responsibility

Managing the computer resource: a stage hypothesis

Based on the study of expenditures for data processing, a descriptive stage hypothesis is presented. It is suggested that the planning, organizing, and controlling activities associated with managing the computer resource will …

A note on information organization and storage

Since the logical structure of a data base can be represented by a tree or graph, it is quite natural for us to view the process of designing a data base as that of constructing a tree or a graph. A general method for constructing …

COKO III: the Cooper-Koz chess program

OKO III is a chess player written entirely in Fortran. On the IBM 360-65, COKO III plays a minimal chess game at the rate of .2 sec cpu time per move, with a level close to lower chess club play. A selective tree searching procedure …

Mixed solutions for the deadlock problem

Mixtures of detection, avoidance, and prevention provide more effective and practical solutions to the deadlock problem than any one of these alone. The individual techniques can be tailored for subproblems of resource allocation …

The distribution of a program in primary and fast buffer storage

A virtual memory computer system with a fast buffer (cache) memory between primary memory and the central processing unit is considered. The optimal distribution of a program between the buffer and primary memory is studied using …

Curriculum recommendations for graduate professional programs in information systems: recommended addendum on information systems administration

An addendum to the Report of the ACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Education for Management is proposed. The proposed addendum is to include in the curriculum a course on Information Systems Administration. It is important …

Multiple exits from a loop without the GOTO

For several years, there has been discussion about the use of the goto statement in programming languages [1, 2]. It has been pointed out that goto free programs tend to be easier to understand, allow better optimization by the …

Equivalence between AND/OR graphs and context-free grammars

Recent research in artificial intelligence has led to AND/OR graphs as a model of problem decomposition (Nilsson [3]; Simon and Lee [4]). However, AND/OR graphs of a restricted type are equivalent to context-free grammars. This …

Algorithm 449: solution of linear programming problems in 0-1 variables

This subroutine solves the linear zero-one programming problem of the following form.

Certification of algorithm 407 [D2]

Remark on algorithm 420 [J6]


Teaching “about programming”

This paper presents the goals and organization of a course about programming designed to provide entering students in a graduate program with a cultural enrichment in their professional lives. The students are expected to have …

Computer science—seminars for undergraduates

In recent years a number of curricula for computer science education have been proposed. Most notable among these are [1-4]. The results from these four studies were unbalanced oriented educational programs each with a different …