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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

ACM President's Letter: What is experimental computer science?

Logical construction of software

The authors contend that it is both possible and necessary to clearly demark and explicitly define the transition between the software design and software implementation phases of the software life cycle. The output of the software …

The natural language of interactive systems

The work reported here stems from our deep belief that improved human engineering can add significantly to the acceptance and use of computer technology. In particular, this report describes an experiment to test the hypothesis …

A model of shared DASD and multipathing

This paper presents a model of an I/O subsystem in which devices can be accessed from multiple CPUs and/or via alternative channel and control unit paths. The model estimates access response times, given access rates for all  …

Computational algorithms for product form queueing networks

In the last two decades there has been special interest in queueing networks with a product form solution. These have been widely used as models of computer systems and communication networks. Two new computational algorithms …

Analysis of locking policies in database management systems

Consistency control has to be enforced in database management systems (DBMS) where several transactions may concurrently access the database. This control is usually achieved by dividing the database into locking units or granules …

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