Communications of the ACM,
March 1981,
Vol. 24 No. 3, Pages 124-133
This report describes the status of educational programs in Information Systems at the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. levels. A survey was conducted during the period June 1977-June 1979 of schools of Business Administration, Departments of Computer Science, Engineering Colleges, and academic units offering programs in Information Systems. A one-page description of each program was then generated according to a standard format. This standardized description was used as a guide to summarize information about each program.
The report outlines career opportunities in Information Systems and lists brief descriptions of positions available to graduates of Information Systems programs. The need for an Information Systems program and problem areas with respect to teaching information systems are discussed. The results of the survey include a listing of the most common names for the Information Systems program and an evaluation of the number of programs that met the guidelines established by the Curriculum Committee on Computer Education for Management in 1972 and 1973. A list of institutions by degree level that met the proposed guidelines is presented.
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