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Communications of the ACM

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ACM forum

From Washington: The robot revolution: an interview with James Albus

There is growing awareness among U.S. manufacturers that time is running short to reorganize production processes and begin investment programs for new technology. Sales of accessories—robots, computer controls, and materials …

Remote office work: changing work patterns in space and time

Remote work refers to organizational work that is performed outside of the normal organizational confines of space and time. The term telecommuting refers to the substitution of communications capabilities for travel to a central …

Comparing two microcomputer operating systems: CP/M amd HDOS

Two moderate operating systems are compared, with the intent to demonstrate how each may satisfy the needs of a different set of users. The clear superiority of either systems does not emerge, but rather a difference in “design …

On the modeling of parallel access to shared data

A model is constructed of a database that can be accessed and modified concurrently by a number of users, and an approximate solution is presented. The resource allocation policies considered involve dynamic acquisition of entities …

A tree convolution algorithm for the solution of queueing networks

A new algorithm called the tree convolution algorithm, for the computation of normalization constants and performance measures of product-form queueing networks, is presented. Compared to existing algorithms, the algorithm is …

Speeding up an overrelaxation method of division in Radix-2n machine

For normalized floating point division, digital computers can take advantage of a division process that uses an iterative multiplying operation instead of repeated subtractions. An improvement of this division process by using …

President's letter: China—modern technology in an ancient land