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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Viewpoint: Planning for the future of U.S. scientific and engineering computing

ACM Forum: Letters

Programming pearls: how to sort

American universities need greater access to supercomputers

Access to supercomputers: an NSF perspective

Coping with the imprecision of the real world

Computer crime

Information systems security and privacy

A perspective on machine translation: theory and practice

Computer science program requirements and accreditation

Progress report on the ACM Guide to Computing Literature

A further view of the first quarter century

The complexity of songs

THE TELNET SONG: ("Control-Uparrow Q.")

A linguistic contribution to GOTO-less programming

Languages: three interviews

The chaostron: an important advance in learning machines

Automatic spelling correction in scientific and scholarly text

The data-document distinction in information retrieval

Command abbreviation behavior in human-computer interaction

The study of an ordered minimal perfect hashing scheme

Digital signatures with RSA and other public-key cryptosystems

How to expose an eavesdropper

Computers, crime and privacy—a national dilemma: congressional testimony from the industry

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