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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


Vice-President's letter

ACM forum

From Washington

Programming pearls: a spelling checker

On design principles for a molecular computer

If the unique information-processing capabilities of protein enzymes could be adapted for computers, then evolvable, more efficient systems for such applications as pattern recognition and process control are in principle possible …

Self-Assessment Procedure XIV: a self-assessment procedure dealing with the legal issues of computing

A self-assessment procedure dealing with the legal issues of computing

The 1984 Snowbird Report: future issues in computer science

This workshop reports that no core description of computer science is universally accepted. A model of the discipline must emphasize global issues over isolated objectives, cooperation over competition.

A study of application program development techniques

A survey of application development techniques in 43 organizations identifies the methods and tools found most effective in application software development.

An application of queueing theory to the design of a message-switching computer system

Inexact or real-world queueing techniques are used to determine that the number of buffers provided in system design is indeed adequate to guard against message loss.

Adaptive exact-fit storage management

Tested against extremes in the characteristics of arrival patterns to dynamic allocation software, the working-set approach outperforms the FIFO method except in the case of completely random request patterns—where the working …

Computing in the home: shifts in the time allocation patterns of households

An empirical study of 282 users of home computers was conducted to explore the relationship between computer use and shifts in time allocation patterns in the household. Major changes in time allocated to various activities were …

A polynomial time generator for minimal perfect hash functions

A perfect hash function PHF is an injection F from a set W of M objects into the set consisting of the first N nonnegative integers where N ⩾ M. If N = M, then F is a minimal perfect hash function, MPHF. PHFs are useful for the …

Technical correspondence