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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


President's letter

ACM forum

Programming pearls: little languages

Why Ada is not just another programming language

Ada's importance goes far beyond its initial limited goals. The worldwide interest in the usage of Ada is one of many reasons for its uniqueness.

Self-assessment procedure XV: a self-assessment procedure dealing with file processing

A self-assessment procedure dealing with file processing

Evaluating two massively parallel machines

Two radically different parallel computers prompt a debate about the best parallel architectures and may mark the commercial viability of parallelism on the supercomputer scale.

Toward real-time performance benchmarks for Ada

Benchmarks are developed to measure the Ada notion of time, the Ada features believed important to real-time performance, and other time-related features that are not part of the language, but are part of the run-time system; …

Comments on "Grosch's law re-revisited: CPU power and the cost of computation"

Taking Ein-Dor's recent reevaluation of Grosch's law one step further, the authors find evidence of different slopes for different classes of computers and the utility of an additional variable: the IBM or IBM-compatible factor …

Computerized performance monitoring systems: use and abuse

An exploratory study of computerized performance monitoring and control systems reveals both positive and negative effects. Responses of 50 clerical workers from 2 organizations with computerized monitoring were compared to 94 …

The orders of equidistribution of subsequences of some asymptotically random sequences

The orders of equidistribution of subsequences of every nth term of the asymptotically random sequence given by Tootill, Robinson, and Eagle [5], and of six other asymptotically random sequences, were determined for various values …

The Department of Defense software initiative—a status report

The Initiative is a comprehensive effort to address major software engineering issues in both the military and private industry.

GRAP—a language for typesetting graphs

The authors describe a system that makes it easy and convenient to describe graphs and to include them as an integral part of the document formatting process.