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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents


President's letter

ACM forum

From Washingtion

John Cocke: The 1987 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient

The search for performance in scientific processors: the Turing Award lecture

Special section on operating systems

This special collection of articles examines recent research in operating systems, focusing on particular systems and projects that are seminal and representative. The areas these articles cover include distributed operating  …

Interconnecting heterogeneous computer systems

A software structure created by the Heterogeneous Computer Systems (HCS) Project at the University of Washington was designed to address the problems of heterogeneity that typically arise in research computing environments.

On synchronization in hard-real-time systems

The design of software for hard-real-time systems is usually difficult to change because of the constraints imposed by the need to meet absolute real-time deadlines on processors with limited capacity. Nevertheless, a new approach …

The Cedar file system

The Cedar File System (CFS) is a workstation file system that provides access to both a workstation's local disk and to remote file servers via a single hierarchical name space. CFS supports a group of cooperating programmers …

Distributed programming in Argus

Argus—a programming language and system developed to support the implementation and execution of distributed programs—provides mechanisms that help programmers cope with the special problems that arise in distributed programs …

The V distributed system

The V distributed System was developed at Stanford University as part of a research project to explore issues in distributed systems. Aspects of the design suggest important directions for the design of future operating systems …

Self-assessment procedure XVIII: fundamentals of data communications

A self-assessment procedure dealing with the fundamentals of data communications

Impact of system response time on state anxiety

Recent research has shown that user satisfaction and productivity are affected by system response time. Our purpose is to provide the results of empirical research on system response time and its effect on state anxiety. Test …

Practical in-place merging

We present a novel, yet straightforward linear-time algorithm for merging two sorted lists in a fixed amount of additional space. Constant of proportionality estimates and empirical testing reveal that this procedure is reasonably …