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Computing prespectives

The European community and information technology

The world has watched Eastern Europe erupt into such political turmoil that historians are expected to call this period the Revolutions of 1989. Economic evolution was also underway as the Continent progressed toward a single …

Europe 1992: fraternity or fortress?

The following 1989 William K. McInally Memorial lecture was presented at the University of Michigan by Gerrit Jeelof, a champion of the movement toward European enconomic unity. He discusses the upcoming European integration …

The semiconductor market in the European community

The authors discuss the impact of three EC rules of origin on printed circuit boards and on the United States semiconductor industry, which has been the largest exporter to Europe.

Japan's view of EC '92

Delivered at the Armed Forces Communication and Electronics Association's EC '92 Symposium in December 1989, this speech focuses on the European semiconductor industry-where Japan ranks as the second largest exporter-and technology …

EC commission communication on establishing an information services market

The following is an excerpt from the communciation sent by the European Commission to the Council of Ministers explaining the rationale for an internal information services market. It is followed by the Counicl's formal decision …

Council decision of July 26, 1988

concerning the establishment of a plan of action for setting up an information services market (88/524/EEC)

Retrospective on DACNOS

Heterogeneity of hardware and software is a fact in most distributed computing environments. The DACNOS prototype is a network operating system that enables resource sharing in such environments. It extends the local operating …

Efficient decoding of prefix codes

A special case of the data compression problem is presented, in which a powerful encoder transmits a coded file to a decoder that has severely constrained memory. A data structure that achieves minimum storage is presented, and …